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How do I change my background on facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I change my background on facebook? - lacrossisdaboss98 - 02-17-2013 11:01 AM

I saw this ad for a tatoo added to your background or something. . .how do I get like something other than the brogin blue and white to my background? Links?

- T - 02-17-2013 11:09 AM

you Cant

- enescusinziana - 02-17-2013 11:09 AM

on facebook go to help and look u will find some helo

- Shrenik S - 02-17-2013 11:09 AM

I think there is no option for changing background in FB....try and you can get various themes in it. It is a SOCIAL WEBSITE DESIGNED BY GOOGLE AND IS REALLY GOOD.

- Noodle - 02-17-2013 11:09 AM

you can't

- Kaj - 02-17-2013 11:09 AM

There's a group you've got to join for that. Try searching for 'change background' or something like that in groups section of Facebook. On joining the group, you'll have the information on how to change your background. Normally you have to download something to be able to do that and only people having installed that app will be able to see your background otherwise for them, it'll still be blue and white.

- Ben - 02-17-2013 11:09 AM

Basically, those ads for facebook tatoos are viruses/malware/adware/trojans/worms/whatever - something bad for your computer.

Don't click on them!

Also, Facebook doesn't give the option of Facebook profile backgrounds, but there are ways to get them.

If you use Mozilla Firefox as your internet browser, download the add-on called 'Yontoo Layers'.

Then on Facebook, add the application called 'PageRage Super Profile'. (You need Yontoo Layers for the profile backgrounds to show.)

Using that application, you can chose a background for your Facebook profile.

People who have the add-on and application (and you, obviously) can see the background you have chosen, but people who don't have Yontoo Layers and PageRage will not be able to see the background; they will just see the ordinary Facebook profile - the blue and white.