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What does this mean??? And what should I do in this situation???!!? - Printable Version

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What does this mean??? And what should I do in this situation???!!? - J - 10-12-2012 05:42 AM

Ok so me and my ex were getting back together and takeing things slow at least that's what I thought untill some weeks ago when I barely was hearing from him and seeing him I didn't see him for 4 weeks!!..because lately he said he was stressed out from school and work so i decided to give him some space but everytime I asked him can we hangout he said idk and eventhough I did see him last week the only reason I did is because I put in the efort and he said we can only hangout for a lil bit because he was goin out that night....and here we are 4 days later and I don't here nothing from him Im not normally the snooping type but I do like to check on him every now and then so I looked on his twitter and some girl said I owe you hellla Beth time (Beth is her name) and he says back you damn right you do..should I be worried about this??? Am I over reacting and how do I ask him were do we stand because it's funny how he can say he misses me but doesn't put in any efort to actually see me I eventually texted him and ask him were do we stand and he said I'm sorry,Im still interested in you I just been busy.....I believe action speaks louder than words so what do I do now???

- A - 10-12-2012 05:50 AM

Actions do speak louder than words, when a man wants you they will find a way to put you first, seems tho his keeping you there as an option and not really that bothered. Move on and find someone that loved you, wants you and needs you!! X

- John S - 10-12-2012 05:50 AM

Maybe the reason that he doesn't want nothing with you because he is an "EX" and he has moved on. You shoudl just froget hima nd move on yourself, sounds liek you can't get over him and your are spying on him and seems like jealousy is coming out of you too.Why do you think he is chatting with others girls and tells you he has to go out and can;t be with you for long. He is trying to give you a hint and your not getting it. So stand up and make an about face and walk off and make a new life for yourself

- collegegirl - 10-12-2012 05:50 AM

I am the same situation as you it seems with the not spending time together part =[ it sucks and it makes me upset because we've been together almost 4 years. I think its because hes gotten so comfortable he doesn't think he has to do special things for me. So i understand how you feel. It makes no sense sometimes because they say "oh i love you and miss you cant wait to see you" as soon as that comes around and we try to make plans they respond" oh im so tired or i don't want to do anything today". So in my opinion i think we should do this together we should let them incite the contact more. If they see oh man shes not blowing my texts up or calling me to chill something must be up. I think they like the attention of use doing all the work. You can say there taking us for granted. So from now on i would set limits like give him a week to start showing more effort or slowing back off and give him space. And as hard as it may seem maybe we both need to move on and find someone who will spend more time with use and put in the effort because there are so many good men out there that will regardless of how much you love someone.

- Scott - 10-12-2012 05:50 AM

Its a tough one honestly, you dont want to call him out too much because guys hate drama, and girls snooping on them. But social media can leak, so since its public, act like the information in public and that one of your friends noticed. This might not matter is he is uninterested and its hard to tell without knowing your history together. You not dumb so you can see that he is being distant and shady. With this other girl on twitter, it is a concern. Dont play future situations on past memories. Treat him how hes is treating you now, dont think about the good times of how he used to treat you, times have changed and so has he apparently. This will help you see the true nature of his desires and should hell you discover yours. If hes being sneaky and flirty with others then changes need to be made. BTW the im just busy thing is an excuse, dont believe it. Sounds like uninterest from me (a neutral 3rd party). And cheating doesnt sound far out either. Sorry if thats what you didnt want to hear. Do realize that you know him the best, I just read a paragraph. From what you posted I have to say, trust yourself and the signals, even if its difficult.

- Jacqjacq - 10-12-2012 05:50 AM

I believe you just answered your own question, actions do indeed speak louder than words, and he is just obviously just stringing you along for whatever reason in his twisted mind. Drop him.