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What are some cool news stories? - Printable Version

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What are some cool news stories? - Sydney Toles - 02-17-2013 03:19 PM

I am in 7th grade and i have to find a news article (Social studies related but doesn't really matter if it is or not) has to be in the year 2012-2013 and i want it to be really sad (i all ready did Amanda todd , Sandy hook elementary, and sandy) please help thanks
xoxoxo -Sydney

- Epiphron - 02-17-2013 03:27 PM

The Zionist Supremacists in Israel have announced two new government-backed tenders for the construction of 198 new homes in the Palestinian West Bank today, ignoring international opposition to their ethnic cleansing program against the Palestinian people.

The announcement, made just a week before elections which are expected to show a wave of support for the ultra-Zionist parties in Israel, invited developers to bid on two projects seeking to add 114 housing units to the Efrat settlement and 84 units to Kiryat Arba.

According to the Israeli Ynet News, the tenders “were issued on the backdrop of reports citing US President Barack Obama acerbically criticizing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for announcing plans to build over 3,000 new homes in the disputed E1 area of the West Bank in November.”

These houses are, of course, for Jews only. EI is short for “East 1” and is in Palestinian land around Jerusalem and is another blatant plan to seize that city for Israel and drive out the remaining Palestinian inhabitants.

According to a report released in Israel, a record number of construction projects were launched or approved for Jewish settlements in the West Bank in 2012. More than 1,400 housing units beyond the “Green Line” (the official demarcation lines between Israel and the West Bank) while the government approved plans for over 6,000 new housing units for the entire region last year.

There is no real difference between the “left wing” Zionists (the Israeli Labor Party) and the “right wing” ones—it is just a question of style and presentation.

The plan to seize the West Bank was in fact started not by the current Likud government, but by previous Labor Party administrations, with the only real difference being in the number and extent of the building projects.

To date, more than half a million Jewish extremists have been settled in the West Bank, illegally, on Palestinian territory. During an Israeli cabinet meeting of December 2nd 2012, Netanyahu said that “We will carry on building in Jerusalem and in all the places that are on the map of Israel’s strategic interests.”

This was stated during Israel’s cabinet meeting on December 2.

The Jewish-Supremacist government of the United States continue to subsidize the Israeli government to the tune of billions of dollars, and not a single western government, despite the odd mumbling here and there, will take any action against the rogue Zionist state.

Imagine what their reaction would be if Syria, Iran or any nation on earth started driving Jews out of their homes and seizing their land? World War III would erupt as the Jewish Supremacist puppet regimes would attack and invade any such nation that behaved in that manner.

Yet the state of Israel can carry on, with hardly a word being said.

If anyone needed any more proof as to who controls the strings in western governments and their mass media, then look no further than E1.

- 352 - 02-17-2013 03:27 PM