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Skype audio problem on Dell computer? - Printable Version

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Skype audio problem on Dell computer? - upsidedownandrightsideup - 02-17-2013 04:51 PM

I own a Dell Inspiron 5720. When headphones are plugged in, if I answer a call from Skype, all other sounds on my computer are played out loud and not through the earphones. Any way to change those audio settings? I cannot find a way to do that.

- Dell Inc. - 02-17-2013 04:59 PM

Hello, I am Nitika from the Dell Social Media outreach team.

By default, the Volume icon is not displayed when you initially installed on your system.

To enable the display of the Volume icon, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Sounds and Audio Devices.
3. Click Show volume control on the taskbar.
4. Click OK.
When you have the new desktop features enabled, follow these steps:
1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Click Sounds, click Speech, and then click Audio Devices.
3. Click Sounds, and then click Audio Devices.
4. Click Show volume control on the taskbar.
5. Click OK.

If that doesn't work then try this.

Go to "Start".."Control Panel"..."Internet Options"...Click the "Advanced Tab"...scroll down to multimedia and put a check mark in play sounds on websites.

Then go to "Tools"..."Manage Add ons"...and make sure everything is enabled.

Then close Internet Explorer and reopen


Go to Start -> Run -> and enter Services.msc
Scroll down to "Windows Audio".
Double click and change the startup type to Automatic


You can also try installing the audio driver

If in case you do face any challenges in the process, please feel free to contact me directly by sending me an email or by through a reply to this blog.

We would recommend you do not post your private information on a public forum .

Thanks & Regards
Dell Social Media Responder