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Is my old best friend trying to tell me she misses me? - Printable Version

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Is my old best friend trying to tell me she misses me? - krissyyy - 02-17-2013 05:21 PM

My best friend of like 4-5 years was Brooke. We stopped being friends after high school graduation last summer. No fight or anything, we just kind of faded. And Brooke has been in a serious relationship for like 3 years now, so she spent all summer with her boyfriend and forgot me.

I was so fed-up I unfollowed her on Twitter, immature I know. But I was sick of seeing her tweets about how perfect her boyfriend is and how happy she is with him.

Brooke went away to college, but is home every weekend. I stay home and go to community college.

I made a tweet earlier today that went something like "I am now finally learning to let go of high school and realize that the girls who used to be my best friends are really gone" She favorited and retweeted it.

My question is, does that mean she misses our friendship, or is she just trying to be a brat?

What is your opinion?

PS: I do miss her and I's friendship. We were inseparable and we had so much fun together. We haven't talked since we stopped being friends, so I'm scared to message her or something like that.


- AvuncularUngulate - 02-17-2013 05:29 PM

Oh, if I had to guess (which is really all I can do, since I don't know either of you), I'd say she misses you. Maybe her "perfect" boyfriend has started to tarnish, or maybe she realizes she needs more than just a romance, or maybe she just plain misses you. You sound like a very nice person, so that shouldn't surprise you.

Why not send her an email or something, thanking her for re-tweeting your message, and see what happens. Maybe you two can start over.

But you're right about one thing--high school is in the past, where it will remain. Try to be friends moving forward, not agonizing over the past.

Good luck.