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is this marriage destined to fail? - Printable Version

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is this marriage destined to fail? - Belovedbed420 - 10-12-2012 05:50 AM

The husband makes $200,000 a month at the job,very successful and very well known and stays out of home a lot due to work.he owns front row of a theater, Bentley cars, couple of houses, etc etc.
He is also very good looking and because of his immense popularity she is also known.
He did drugs and was rejected all women who initially liked him because of bad behavior and sexual harassment, but she took no notice about it either
even though he got her name tattooed on his arm.hubby wanted a child quickly after marriage, he had already thought of girl names and picked one in 06.( married in 07, had a baby in 08)

After marriage in 2007, i saw him sitting with three skank looking blondes, with their midriffs bare at a hotel, later one of those girls was kissing him on his cheeks and he was taking photos with her, another was sitting on his lap while husband showed off his wedding ring and he was shirtless that time.
Again after marriage in December 2007, he was on live camera and he was repeatedly kissing a girl he befriended on his tour, on her cheeks, on her head, they used to sit and have lunch, she came up running to him while he was leaving and he lifted her up in his arms, kissed her on her head and they hugged each other

In 2008 after his wife had his baby, he had become extremely close to his close female friend also a colleague, blatantly staring at her while his colleagues posed for the group photo, only the hubby and his friend were looking at each other. They used always sit with each other even in 06-07.
Last year again he had an affair with her, very sexual and intense but she apparently cheated on him and he bashed her publicly calling her a ****, saying how many men he knows she slept with and whom she must be sleeping with while he is talking. He was caught on camera with her in the parking lot where he posed with her as well, head touching her head, hand on waist etc.

In a video i saw the hubby on a date with a pretty blonde girl at a restaurant. He was particularly looking crazy about her. likewise he wasn't sitting on his chair, he was standing behind her seat, and was touching her head, kissing her head, wrapping his arms around her chest, cuddling her from behind and was laughing and joking continuously

However the wife is barely bothered.She owns her own makeup business which she set up with my friend,doing makeup for friends recently.She is always with her girlfriends taking her photos in funny and immature ways.She takes her photos in the car, at home, in the bedroom, at beach practically wherever she goes she takes photos.One photo had her with her friends shopping on the street, but one friend was licking the logo of a coffee cup while the other friend was looking at this woman's butt!
Throughout the trip they took photos of themselves while she kept making strange faces at the camera!
Another photo had her with her friends pouting their lips to the camera,one had her two friends screaming at the camera while she was hiding behind them and only her eyes could be seen!!
She is always at the bar, clubs with her girlfriends,going to Saturday night shows and is constantly taking her pictures even when shes dancing with her friend at the pub.Even at home she keeps taking her pictures,either making fish faces with her daughter or in makeup.

They dont even touch each other in real photos but kiss in the crowds to show what perfect hubby/wife they are
Also the husband lies a lot about his marriage as well and has got suspended from work.he claimed she supported him when haters attack him,saying haters mean nothing when in reality she left twitter herself because fans were being mean to her!
He keeps showing what a beautiful marriage and family he has through twitter so people love them as a perfect family.
So opinions.?

- Thatgirl - 10-12-2012 05:58 AM

Ummmm... I seriously just read all that for the main question is ....what??? That's fked up

- Fran UK Man - 10-12-2012 05:58 AM

Can you shorten it, please - just the bare facts?

- Josh - 10-12-2012 05:58 AM

I do have a love-hate feeling with your daily post.....I think you are a big fat dude hiding naked behind his computer...oh well...I will see you tomorrow!!!!same story as usual??

- Samantha - 10-12-2012 05:58 AM

Why do you post this same question over and over? What's it to you if it's not ur own marriage? Or ure just a troll?