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Possible Twitter Hacked Account Help? - Printable Version

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Possible Twitter Hacked Account Help? - Person L - 10-12-2012 05:55 AM

I noticed today that I was tweeting ads from my twitter account today and I've never joined anything that would cause me to do that. I changed my password to something much stronger thinking I had been hacked and everything seemed to be okay for a bit. I come back later that night and find I've been logged out of my account even though I didn't log out myself, I type in my new password and find that it isn't working meaning despite changing it someone still has a grasp on my account and changed my password to something else entirely. I reset the password and was able to get back on my account, nothing appears to have changed but I'm worried this will continue to happen even though I changed to a stronger password. Does anyone know what is going on and what I can do about it?

And no don't give me an idiotic answer like 'Twitter suxs, don't use it.' please.

- Dest - 10-12-2012 06:03 AM

Check your connections by going to settings & connections

disable any that appear suspicious

- chameleon_.geo - 10-12-2012 06:03 AM

Twitter is no stranger to hacks

make sure you're not connecting via non-secure networks such as coffee shops or free wifi hotspots as it's entirely too easy to grab your cookie and with that information, they don't need your password (since supposedly you already authenticated and that's what the cookie's for).

Also consider a check for malware/AV from malwarebytes and any Anti-virus to ensure that there is nothing going on. Then, dump your temporary internet cache and change your password again.

- Thomas Bearman - 10-12-2012 06:03 AM

Your computer could be infected with a keylogger. Download and install a legitimate anti-spyware software. Choose from malwarebytes antimalware or superantispyware. Download links Both are free and does a great job at detecting
and removing spyware. Download, install and update before running a full system scan. You may also want to enter safe mode before running a scan. Click Start, click Shut down, click Restart, click Ok. During your computer starting process press F8 key on your keyboard multiple times until you see Windows Advanced Option menu, then select Safe mode from the list. If above mentioned programs can't detect infections try Hitman Pro, sometimes it can detect infections that other misses.

After cleaning your computer change your Twitter password.