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Boyfriend hiding pregnancy from friends? - Printable Version

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Boyfriend hiding pregnancy from friends? - Lorraine - 02-18-2013 01:24 AM

Me and my boyfriend have only been together 3 month's and I fell pregnant. We're both happy and excited and so is he's family who has welcomed me. All he does is see me, work and sleep and he is always at home and never see's friends. However we put our scan picture of Facebook which we both decided on my Facebook but I said why won't you let me tag you as its your baby and he said
" i cant and na not yet bbe dont want all my mates nowing "

I mean I don't understand, we are also planning to move in together so I don't see why if he doesn't see he's friends as he said whats the problem with them knowing when all he's family does and my friends
Also our relationship status he won't accept my request where it will say who with

- Bazza - 02-18-2013 01:32 AM

He sounds like a nice guy.

- Suchaki akura - 02-18-2013 01:32 AM

He probably wants it to be done under his terms. Meaning he has not yet told his friends and he would rather tell his friends first then find out via pics. Just give him time, im sure he still is shocked and since you both are young its a huge thing.. let him know how you feel and suggest to him that he tells his friends or even ask why he hasn't yet told his friends.. all the answers you need to know lies within him so you need to communicate with him and let him know. In terms of not making the relationship status public, now that is a huge sign.

You really need to get to know him more.. i honestly think there is alot about him that you still don't know. I understand that you are pregnant but this all seems very suspicious and i think you should talk to him more and ask him these things. If his answers seem sketchy then end things; if he really values you then he will change his behavior if not then just know that he is not the right man for you. do you really want your kids

please answer my question Smile;_ylt=AotPkyOoDJaPlvQ1BNRu5yMgBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20130205091618AAHrcjH

- Kevin - 02-18-2013 01:32 AM

*his... not he's. He's is short for 'he is.'

And he probably doesn't want his friends to know because he's not sure he's going to stay with you. You've only been together for 3 months and you're already pregnant. Maybe he's not ready for everything that involves. Maybe he doesn't want to be made fun of from his friends. Maybe something else completely.

Remember, we are just random strangers on the internet who only know what you type. We don't know what's going through someone's head. Sit down and have a very serious talk with him. He is the only one who can tell you what he's thinking. We can't read his mind.

- Wonkas - 02-18-2013 01:32 AM

Well, from the awful grammar mistakes in this question and the general content itself, I would recommend you both go on Jeremy Kyle.