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Why does Texas Attorney General Encourage New York Gun Owners to Move to Texas? - Printable Version

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Why does Texas Attorney General Encourage New York Gun Owners to Move to Texas? - Rocky - 02-18-2013 02:44 AM

In the wake of all of the new gun control laws at both state and federal levels, Greg Abbott, Texas Attorney General is extending an invite to all gun owners to move to Texas, especially those that live in New York. Andrew Cuomo, the anti-gun Democratic Governor of New York just signed a set of strict gun laws including a ban on all assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
Abbott’s response to Cuomo’s actions was to launch a campaign telling New York gun owners to move to Texas. The online ads, appearing in New York City and Albany say:
“Wanted: Law abiding New York gun owners looking for lower taxes and greater opportunities.”
“Is Gov. (Andrew) Cuomo looking to take your guns? Sick of the media outing law-abiding gun owners? Are you a lawful New York gun owner seeking lower taxes?”
If New Yorkers click on the ads, they are taken to a Facebook page that tells them:
“You’ll fit right in here in Texas.”
“Keep your guns, come to TX.”
“Here in Texas, you will have the liberty and the opportunity to achieve your dreams. On top of that, we have no income tax, yet still manage to have a multibillion-dollar budget surplus. We have right-to-work laws and a reasonable regulatory environment. Texas has created more than 275,000 jobs in the last year alone! And we’ll fight like hell to protect your rights.”
“You’ll also get to keep more of what you earn and use some of that extra money to buy more ammo.”

- Schmuck - 02-18-2013 02:52 AM


Texas is awesome!

- Al Bundy - 02-18-2013 02:52 AM

texas has lots of sub-minimum wage jobs, gee I really wanna live there

- Left Hand Black - 02-18-2013 02:52 AM

Typical conservative move to divide the nation.. so they can blame it on someone else.

- widewater674 - 02-18-2013 02:52 AM

It is true that most gun owners are productive members of society. And good citizens. The big blue states and cities are being drained of productive citizens. As more taxes and regulations are placed upon them. Having learned their lesson regarding high taxes high debt and over meddling regulations, they are more than ready to become good red blooded American Texans. Leaving the socialist utopias of oppressive government misery behind.

Come ON down!

- Leon - 02-18-2013 02:52 AM

It doesn't surprise me one bit that Texas would rise up against the Anti-Christian president and his party. Texas as a majority still believes in God. Democrats might recall ; Texas believes in the same God that the Democrats BOOED our of their convention....

- L.T.M. - 02-18-2013 02:52 AM

Thanks. That story just cheered me up.