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How hard is it to become a doctor? - Printable Version

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How hard is it to become a doctor? - Crunky - 02-18-2013 03:06 AM

I am really determined to be a doctor( medical ) when I grow up and I'm wondering how perfect I need to be at school and what subjects really matter. As this is a serious question don't bullshit me, I only wan t your answer if yo uknow what your talking about. My Grade 9( The year I just finished ) are : Math 100%, Science 93%, French Immersion 75%, English 72%, French Social 69%, Media 97%, Gym/health 90%

- Daniel - 02-18-2013 03:14 AM

The process of becoming a doctor is very tedious and challenging. Your high school grades look fine, it's college that really matters. Keep up your college GPA to get into med-school after a pre-med undergrad curriculum. It's so hard to become a doctor that many American kids don't make it because they don't want to work that hard in school. You can do it, don't panic as a high school freshmen.

- Luis - 02-18-2013 03:14 AM

Doctor next to me said "by the grace of God, got to take after college 4 year and 3 year of training"
but it all depends on your determination and will.
Good luck and study the smart way.

- whatever - 02-18-2013 03:14 AM

Very difficult. I am a premed student applying to medical schools now. If you want to apply to an allopathic medical school, you must have a very high college GPA (~3.8), a good score on your MCAT (it's the entrance exam), a bunch of extracurricular activities, and the work ethic to keep up with everything.

I am not telling you this to scare you, but very few people who plan on becoming doctors actually ever make it (in fact idk if I am going to be able to even get IN to med school and my gpa is 3.9). The MCAT is difficult and once your in med school life is apparently hell where you must study almost every day you're there (and med schools only give you off 1 month for summer break).

If you think you can handle this, go for it. Take it one day at a time. I honestly didn't think I would be where I am right now and if I get into med school it proves that it doesn't matter how smart you are, it's how hard you work.

- mina - 02-18-2013 03:14 AM

first i wanna tell you that you're gonna be a very successfull doctor because i can see that..
if you wanna be a doctor you should start form high school by taking whatever science course you can take for example AP courses are the will save you money and time and gives you more knowledge and can get you into a better college and if you take enough ap courses you could even skip freshman year in college..!!

if you want me to explain what to do after high school....just let me know