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How do I convince my parents to get me a Facebook? - Printable Version

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How do I convince my parents to get me a Facebook? - Nicholas - 02-18-2013 04:13 AM

Ok so my parents are a little strict and basicaly wont let me get a facebook. How can I convince them. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!

- jollycake545 - 02-18-2013 04:21 AM

ohhhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh. its the macho king randy savage, the champion of the world wrestling federation dig it. yeah. tell your parents that the macho king will take up to the top of the cage and drop an atomic elbow on them yeahhhhh like i did to the pukester hulk hogan at wrestlemania five when he touched elizabeth .yeah

- SPYDERBLADE - 02-18-2013 04:21 AM

If you are 13, Facebook allows you to get an account, but you're on your own on convincing your parents.