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Does it sound like I'm mentally ill? - Printable Version

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Does it sound like I'm mentally ill? - Michael - 02-18-2013 04:32 AM

I ask this, because it is a genuine concern for me. I come from a family in which mental illness is actually common, in the forms of Depression, Paranoia, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and PTSD.

Look the reason I worry is because I don't believe my mind is exactly right. I'm paranoid in ways people shouldn't be. Sometimes my mind comes up with insane conspiracy theories. Like the rest of our species is telepathic, and are just being kind to me, because I'm the village retard and was born without telepathy, and all of these languages are just sounds my brain comes up with. I hear things sometimes, there are times where I could swear that someone is calling my name, or I'm in a store and I hear someone call my name and start trying to sell me something, but it just sounds like mixed up words and gibberish. At other times I could swear I see someone walking past me, but when I look back at it it's just shadows, or I see a sign that reads "Kill Yourself," and I look back and it's a ******* Car Advertisement.

And that's not even considering the sick fantasies I have sometimes, who in their right mind wakes up after a dream about cannibalism with an erection, or feels thirsty or hungry looking at a bleeding cut on another person's arm. Look I know I'm messed up in the head, but it seems like it keeps getting worse. I think I need to go see a Psychiatrist, but I don't have the money. Am I going crazy, am I just screwed in the head, what the HELL is wrong with me?

- Adles - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

You are normal if you think you are. Don't complicate and over think.

- Joshua - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

wow dude i thought i was kool... ur my new favorite person.. well mabee like number 200 and sumthin but ur still up there.. my friend i need to introduce u to a friend of mine.. her name is Mary Jane.. me and marry met for the first time when i was 9 and its been love ever since... seriously though ur a unique indavidual its not a bad thing.. get sum herb.. and suddenly everything becomes alot more normal... dont knock it till u give it an honest chance.. even if u smoked weed b4 and didnt like it.. so what.. get sum and use it for the right reasons this time.. itll chill u out.. put things in perspective.. and much cheaper and more rewarding than going to go c a shrink

- luminous - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

Is there any way for you to get free health care? i think you can get medicaid even if you are working when you have a mental illness.

- Merry - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

The first thing I would advise is to get a checkup. You wouldn't believe how vitamin deficiencies, viruses, thyroid problems, an old head injury (just a minor nothing of a concussion) can derail your mental health.

Next, try a media fast. TV is traumatizing and addictive because it allows you to be passively engaged. Stop looking up scary things on the internet, don't watch the news, read a book or magazine or go for a walk instead.

Here's the deal: people who are legitimately insane rarely know it. You seem intelligent and articulate and have communicated your worries very well. It's very easy to slip into a pattern of fearfulness and you just need to break the habit by cutting off the triggers. And I, too, come from a family full of mentally ill people--that alone will make you paranoid.

Waking up with an erection is normal! And dreams are never about what they seem; they're your subconscious trying to work things out.

That said, if you, during waking hours, fantasize about hurting yourself or anyone else, confide in a physician or therapist who can help you. You may just need some antianxiety medication in the short term or you may need to talk out your fears with an objective therapist who can calm them. Don't make yourself crazy by obsessing that you're crazy. Our minds get overwhelmed and it affects all of us. But do get a check up! Food allergies testing may also be prudent as allergies can cause your thoughts to go haywire!

Good luck.

- David - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

you need to see someone cos its not exactly normal

- you know who2 - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

Yes, these are classic symptoms of schizophrenia. You should seek medical help as soon as possible because this illness tend to worsen over time

- Yas - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

Actually not but Joshua is

- bee - 02-18-2013 04:40 AM

My first question is how old are you? Skitzophrenia starts developing in the late teens to early adulthood typically. Thats where I was at 6 months ago and im a fucking mess now. My conspiracies are horrid, im not myself anymore, and I know it will only get worse. Seek help before it gets bad. You sounds so similar to me.
6 months ago I heard, "its time to die" as I was driving. And now my heads constantly racing thoughts and talking jibberish. Everybody is out to get me. Most everybody hates me. I cant think like I used to. Please seek help. I have a ghost spirit who visits me and sometimes dark spirits follow.