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How to become Tumblr famous? - Printable Version

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How to become Tumblr famous? - Tom - 02-18-2013 04:49 AM

- Josh - 02-18-2013 04:57 AM

take pictures of things with quotes in it. take pictures of arizona, snapbacks, hype outfits, famous urban brands (like illest), fancy stuff (like LV, Versace, etc.), get pics of "pretty" girls or "hot" guys,

oh and if you're attractive, followers will come out of nowhere.

- iheartdelly - 02-18-2013 04:57 AM

be beautiful/hot lol basically.

- The JDE Project - 02-18-2013 04:57 AM

Tumblr famous people are annoying honey. LOL. Trust me!

- Matthew Nelson - 02-18-2013 04:57 AM

Come Up With A Niche

Your Tumblr should have a niche, or subject, to talk about. You can't just post all willy-nilly random information, unless you call your Tumblr "Random Information". You want your Tumblr to be named something appropriate to your niche. The bigger your niche, the bigger your audience.

Post Regularly

At least three posts a day, and spread them out. You can use the queue function to do this. Research shows that 2pm-10pm EST are the most popular times for people to be on Tumblr, so spread them out in there.

Use the queue, especially if you post a lot every day. It's really annoying to log in and have 20 posts from the same blog in a row, or all with in one hour. You that you will gain and KEEP more followers by spreading them out. Little doses is the key.

Tag Your Posts Appropriately

That's how people find you, and in turn, help you get more follows. Use as many tags as you can but only use relevant tags. Think of things you would search for if you were looking for a post like the one you just wrote.

Follow Relevant Tumblrs

You want to follow the Tumblrs of people also talking about your niche. That help you by giving you ideas for things to write about, and it will give you things to reblog. It may get you more followers. You want to follow these other Tumblr blogs and become friends with them. Yes, technically they are competition, but you know what they say: "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

Pro-tip: Reblog their stuff every once in a while. 90% of your Tumblr posts should be original by you, but it's okay to reblog every once in a while, and you want to reblog these people because then they will start to recognize your name. And name recognition is basically the definition of fame.

Build Social Media Profiles

You need to have an active account with the same name as your blog with at least these:


You can connect all of them to auto-post whenever you post to Tumblr. If you plan to make videos for your Tumblr (recommended, people love videos), post them on YouTube and then posting the YT video on your Tumblr, instead of uploading straight to Tumblr. If there's any other social-networking sites you know about, sign up for those and use them as well.

Get Active In The Online Community

Post to niche relevant forums, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, YouTube, etc. That means, find the forums, tweeters, FaceBook pages, MySpace pages, and YouTube accounts that are talking about the same things as you, and post comments. This helps get your name and your Tumblr out there. Again, it's all about name recognition.