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how do you restart a dell laptop LATITUDE D630? - Printable Version

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how do you restart a dell laptop LATITUDE D630? - Imso - 02-18-2013 05:52 AM

easiest way please real answer to or i report u
i meant to tell me how to restart whole computer like starting from scratch

- Mike G - 02-18-2013 06:00 AM

Real answer.

- shankar _ - 02-18-2013 06:00 AM

Set the Power button action to "Restart" .this option can be found in "power options" from control panel.. Restart is just a single button press away Big Grin .. Default is shutdown.. In that case. press once to shutdown.. once it got shutdown, press again to start..

or else goto start and click restart.. ....

unplug power cable and plug back and press power button....

- Dell Inc. - 02-18-2013 06:00 AM

Hello imso,
My name is Krishna and I work for the Social Media and Community Team at Dell. To restart a computer, click the "Start" button (in Windows XP) or "Windows" button (in Windows 7) on the lower left corner of your screen. In the window that pops up, select the small arrow on the bottom right corner. Click "Restart." Your computer will immediately close all open programs, shut down and restart.

If you are having difficulties shutting down applications and processes, you can force your Windows PC to restart. Go to the "Start" button and click "Run." Enter "shutdown -r -t 1 --f" and Windows will complete the shut down process and restart without waiting for programs to close.

Hope this helps.

Dell-Kris K
Dell Social Media and Communities


Hello imso,
Sorry about the confusion. If your restore partition is intact, you should be able to restore your computer's software back to factory settings without using any disks. You can follow the instructions from

Let me know if you need more information.

Dell-Kris K
Dell Social Media and Communities

- Techno - 02-18-2013 06:00 AM

Re-boot = Turn off, then back on.
Re-start = Turn off, then back on.

Restore = Go back to a specific date/time, undo changes.
Re-install = A new operating system, all data erased.
Recover = Return to 'Factory Default Settings'* (as new/out of the box).

*This may or may not delete all your data.

You mean Recover...

1. Reboot, and press Ctrl + F11 together, at the Dell logo.
2. The Dell PC Restore by Symantec screen will come up.
3. Select "Restore" or use the Tab key to highlight it and press Enter.
4. if you wish to continue, click "Confirm", or use the Tab key to highlight it and press Enter.
5. When the utility is finished, click "Finish", or use the Tab key to highlight it and press Enter.


1. Reboot, and press F8 at the Dell logo. The Advanced Boot Options menu appears on the screen.
2. Select Repair Your Computer and press Enter.
3. Specify the language, and then click Next.
4. Log on to an administrator account, and then click OK.
5. Click Dell Factory Image Restore, then next.
6. Click Yes.
"Reformat hard drive and restore system software to factory condition"
Click next.
7. When the restore operation is completed, click Finish to restart the computer.

***This will erase all your unsaved data!***
