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Why is it considered weird if someone has less than 1000 Facebook friends? - Printable Version

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Why is it considered weird if someone has less than 1000 Facebook friends? - Deuceologyâ„¢ 101 - 02-18-2013 06:13 AM

From what I've heard is that it's kind of abnormal if someone has less than a minimum of 500 friends on there. Would you trust someone with 1000+ friends over someone who had 20?

I'm just curious as I don't get on Facebook at all anymore. And yes, as a result I have less than 1000 friends on there.

- CoolLuke - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

I hope not. I've got like four facebook friends and I practically had to pay them to add me.

I've never gotten a response or comment on any of my posts.

- hardy - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

The people with over 1000 friends are the sad cunts that add everyone they meet, just because they want to be popular, all tho they wont meet 90% if them ever again.

- Hannah - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

Well i only have 15. I don't "use" facebook. I have it there as a way of contacting people if, say, i lose my phone. I don't get the obsession with it

- Andrew - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

Only bitches and f*** boys Use FB.

- Apple - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

idk. people who think that are outta their minds.

can you answer my question:

- Michael - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

Honestly, I don't think it's weird to have less than 1000 friends.

I'm a 19 year old community college student. Most of my close friends have between 500 and 700 "friends" added because they've been adding people that they meet in new environments, and to keep in touch with people from old places they've been.

Personally, I have 358 friends because I only add people that I actually want to keep in touch with. Had I not deleted so many people, (and had not so many people deleted me) I'd probably have around 700 to 800 "friends" added.

When someone has over 1000 friends added, there's a good possibility that they are one of the "popular kids" who crave attention all the time, and want to be in everybody's business.

- CAustin - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

Four digits is probably in the extreme high range.

If someone used the site roughly since it's become public, adds a significant fraction of their acquaintances, and doesn't "un-friend" people on a regular basis, they're likely to have accumulated a three-digit number of contacts.

It is interesting how many people think of what amounts to an online local phonebook as a measure of social success of some sort, though - as if they can't quantify how charismatic or likable a person is just by talking with them. Of course, getting angry at people with "too many" friends shows that someone cares a little too much about their number just as well as someone who adds people they don't really know Wink

- Vampiric Pisces - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

I had about four to five hundred, but I actually knew most of them. Now I only have about thirty, as I have deleted all of them for all sorts of reasons, and sometimes I don't see the point in having so many people I don't talk to on there. I actually plan on deleting more today.

I had that many because of how my life style is. Throughout my life I have moved location to location, and so I have actually met around that amount of people. Where as people with a thousand or five hundred friends, I severely doubt they actually know those people.

I think it's far more weird for someone to have that many. As if they are only there as an audience, not as actual friends.

- Know It All - 02-18-2013 06:21 AM

Maybe in circles filled with hormonal, narcissistic teens who also suffer from incorrigible self-esteem issues, because they do seem to assess their own value, and others, based on the number of contacts.

Ask a 100 FB users how many of their contacts are personally known to them - you would be surprised at how many of them add each other just to show to others that they are sociable [on the internet].

I don't use FB, and I don't think highly of users who use it, either.

In my opinion, the quality of your friends matters more than the quantity.