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does this girl like me as something more than a friend? - Printable Version

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does this girl like me as something more than a friend? - Max - 02-18-2013 06:43 AM

So there's this girl in my high school that is a grade below me. I really like her. We have a lot in common, we both love basketball and the Knicks, and we both like the same television shows. So I started interacting with her on twitter because I'm too shy to do it in person. Every time should would answer my tweet should would add letters to words and always put a smiley face at the end of her tweet. So I asked her for her fone number via twitter and she gave it to me with another smiley face. So then I start texting her and I notice before every text she puts a hahahaha. Ive only texted her like three times but they've all been long conversations about mostly basketball and tv shows and how she is doing at a particular time. Does any of this mean anything because I'm not very good at the girls thing. Also, she plays on our school's Varsity girl basketball team and I play on the boys varsity basketball team but whenever I can I try to go and watch her play and I end being the only one of her friends that go to the games to support her and her team. Ive never really talked to her in person but every time we see each other in the halls we each say hey and smile and wave to each other. Im also a tad shy to just go up to her cuz she' always around her friends. Last night before we stopped texting each other I said goodnight to her but I got no response from her. Do you think that I shouldn't have done that? I don't want this to be true but my thinking is she got a little creeped out or something and never wants to talk to me again, only cuz that's what's happened in the past. With all the info I have put forth onto you guys what do you think and what should I do next?

- Allie - 02-18-2013 06:51 AM

Work in little compliments and flirty things, so far it sounds like she is interested but you have to shift the conversation to a bit more about the two of you and a bit less about basketball. Just text her sweet things like say good morning to her and ask what she is up to, just the little things and see how she reacts. if it is positive then she is defiantly into you. oh, and she didn't text back when you said goodnight because she took it as a 'goodbye' and was probably already tired.go get her!

- tagboy - 02-18-2013 06:51 AM

You think to much try talking on the phone and in person. Texting is so un-personal .

Ive never really talked to her in person High time you did. She isn't going to wait forever for you to make a move.