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RELATIONSHIP ADVICE?!? - Megan - 02-18-2013 07:58 AM

Okay, so my bestfriend and I have been more than bestfriends for over 2 years now. He hasn't had girlfriends & I haven't had boyfriends since we met eachother. We started having sex about 6 months ago. After the sex started, I told him I couldn't do it anymore because I was getting too strong of feelings for him that I wasn't getting returned. Later, he told me he was in love with me. We recently got "married" on facebook. After him asking several times if I would marry him when we got a little older & he got off probation. The last few days have gone amuck though. Everything is starting to change. He "divorced" me & "married" another girl on facebook. I really didn't care AT FIRST. But, last night, he came over & we were on eachothers twitters/facebooks just peeking around & I stumbled on his messages to the girl he is currently "married" to. As soon as I clicked it, he completely flipped the computer over on its screen. (obviously has something to hide right?!) He just told me LASTNIGHT that even though he took off the marriage & he hasn't kissed me (I've been sick for a week) in the past few days, it doesn't mean his love for me is any less than it was before.
Tonight, we were on a 3-way call with his bestfriend & he talked to me like complete shit. When I brought up the FB thing & how it hurt my feelings when he yells & cusses at me for no reason & he said "I don't give 2 shits how you feel, actually." Even when I tried to be nice... He still just beat me down. He can't see that he is absolutely killing me. I hate it. I am so in love with this boy, it's crazy. I just need some advice.

- Nicholas - 02-18-2013 08:06 AM

Hello Im Nicholas And im single

- Miss Chrissy - 02-18-2013 08:06 AM

Saying something like "I don't give 2 shits how you feel, actually" is an outburst that shows he has built up anger towards you (or he could have been trying to impress his friend)
Anyway, it seems like when you wanted to stop having sex with him, he got mad. I think he found a different girl, like you said, and he doesn't know how to let you off in a polite way.

I don't really have advice, because when stuff like this happened to me in the past, I stopped talking to them, and haven't hung out with them ever since.

- PuppyKicker - 02-18-2013 08:06 AM

Have you considered the remote possibility that he does not give two shits how you feel, actually?

- karley - 02-18-2013 08:06 AM

Although I understand why he wouldn't want you reading his private messages (I'd flip the screen over even if I didn't have anything to hide) I think the relationship is dying. I don't give two shits about how you feel? That's just wrong to say to anyone, let alone your girlfriend. Break it off with him. He shouldn't be divorcing you and marrying other people on FB either. Even if you didn't really care it was so rude and it shows he really doesn't care about your feelings. I hope you figure things out.

- Zinkee Minkee - 02-18-2013 08:06 AM

I like what Nicholas said Big Grin --> He is single and ready to Mingle!!!

Now , as for you. You are not in love with him - you are lusting over him and enjoy the thought of a future with him - that really does not exist.

Get out of this stupid abusive - not even a relationship of a thing.

tell him 'up yours' and kicks his boney ass. Yes next time in a 3 way call with his friend - tell him he is 'small' hence u are dumping him.

He is using u as a punching bag! and boasting to his friends on call! how and why do u take it?