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Why does my ex keep trying to get in contact with me? - Printable Version

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Why does my ex keep trying to get in contact with me? - Kay - 02-18-2013 12:32 PM

He broke up with me over a year and a half ago. He got drunk and ending up cheating on me yet still insisted on breaking things off lol. After that he continued to text me and tell me he missed me (this was last year) and even got drunk at one point and ended up messaging me via Facebook telling me he still liked me and wanted to get back together. I was still really sad at that point so it meant a lot more to me then. Well, last March to May, I hadn't talked to him, which was so relieving. I felt like we finally stopped talking. BUT, I ended up checking my junk mail and found an email where he wanted me to email him back because he missed me and wanted to get back in touch. I never responded. But then again, he ended up messaging me via Facebook (I deleted him as a friend), and wanted to meet up and asked me if he could see me. I said no. I blocked him on Facebook so he wasn't able to message me anymore, let alone search me. In June, he saw my sister at the library, and had the b a l l s to go up to her and ask her for my number. Thankfully, she didn't give in but she tells me that he was very persistent. Well, I haven't talked to him a long time now (doing much better), and I now get a request from on Twitter to follow me (my account is on private). I declined it. Why does he keep doing this? It's so annoying.

Thanks to anyone who answers xx.

- Emperor - 02-18-2013 12:40 PM

he misses you

- manders89 - 02-18-2013 12:40 PM

He sounds controlling and manipulative. First of all he has a drinking problem. Second of all HE broke up with YOU atfer HE cheated on YOU. You are right, He does have some major BALLS. He is trying to get you back not because he cares about you, but he wants to know/ feel like he can do whatever he wants to you, or to any girl for that matter , and still get them to take him back. I say leave him alone. You are doing a good job so far but hopefully eventually he will drop it completely. That is kind of scary girl!

- Person - 02-18-2013 12:40 PM

He really does miss you, but he sounds like a player if he gets drunk a lot and cheats on you. I don't know him myself though.

answer mine?;_ylt=AhqU0YfVVFefXIHWEN.sJzDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20130119232017AA2Ds1z

- webb_david2003 - 02-18-2013 12:40 PM

Basically, he thinks he may be in with a chance of temporarily receiving attention and favors from you. He has a big ego and he is sure that you must be totally devastated by his not being there to make you happy any more, which he thinks will make you an easy target for his advances. He is wrong. I suggest you keep it that way. Guys like that can sometimes resort to aggression, violence, psychological manipulation, blackmail, pretense at being charming or various other forms of dishonesty in order to get their way. Therefore, the safest level of communication with him is zero.

- Chris - 02-18-2013 12:40 PM

He still thinks of you.He screwed up and he knows it.He needs to get over it.He screwed up.EX's are ex's for a reason.I never cheated my girlfriends, been cheated on .What a jerk.