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As a teenager, how can I inspire others through passion, optimism, and creativity? - Printable Version

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As a teenager, how can I inspire others through passion, optimism, and creativity? - Alycia - 02-18-2013 12:57 PM

I'm 16 and passionate about seizing the day -- 'Carpe Diem'. To me, the philosophy encourages optimism, fervor, dedication, creativity, innocence, passionate relationships, and a spark of vivacity to make each ordinary day... not so ordinary. :-)

Whenever I persuade individuals to adopt those values, I genuinely feel like I'm fulfilling my purpose. I'd like to accomplish that on a much wider scale. Besides writing a book, how can I do this at such a young age?

Thanks! Have a fantastic weekend!

- . - 02-18-2013 01:05 PM

Aw you sound awesome and a lot like me Smile You could start a charity - like a non profit. has plenty of ideas. Maybe a social media campaign for a cause close to your heart. You could even do collection drives. Writing a book sounds good, but writing a blog will help give you a nice start and increase your audience. Good luck Big Grin