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How can I get rid of ads that play music and say stuff? - Printable Version

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How can I get rid of ads that play music and say stuff? - Mandy Gordon - 02-18-2013 02:32 PM

Like the ones on game websites, and social networking sites. They are so annoying! I have to keep muting them, but then they start to play again. And also, sometimes when I Google something and I want to click on a link, it opens a new tab with a different site with an Ad, and I have to click three times to open what I wanted to open (but it still opens on a different tab like the Ad.) How can I fix this?

- Munawar - 02-18-2013 02:40 PM

The thing about, when you click on a link, it'll take you to another ad.. then another.. You can do nothing about it. Just don't click on them. Tongue

About blocking Ads, you can use softwares like "AdBlock". Just google for them and download. They're different for different browsers.

- Dunbar Pappy ÏŸÏŸ - 02-18-2013 02:40 PM

Try "MalwareBytes" to start cleaning up your system:
(free version has no "real-time" shield)

Browser 'pop-up blockers' are lightweight, paper thin defenses and advertisers (legit & malware purveyors) know how to get by those very easily. Users must boost their own defenses these days.
Get Firefox as your default browser & use it for everyday surfing; fall back to iE only for "last resort" viewing of substandard websites & Windows updates.
The following tips help, but methods (vectors) constantly change.
FIREFOX: Tools> Options> Privacy> top drop menu set to "Firefox will use custom settings..."> Check 'Accept Cookies from sites'
â–ºUn-Check 'Accept 3rd Party cookies'.

My own choices (Official Mozilla) to bolster Firefox is here:
"AdBlock Plus" & "Better Privacy" also help defray rubbish.
►► At minimum, get the #1 item for malware prevention: NoScript.
[see this page for how it works, and how to use it...very simple;

CHROME> wrench icon> Preferences> Under the hood> Content settings> Cookies (heading): tick "Allow local data..." & "Ignore exceptions and block 3rd party..."> close tab.
AdBlock plus available. See Add-on's for Chrome.
"NotScript" performs well also, but is a bit of a bugger to configure.

INTERNET EXPLORER does not handle 3rd party assets very well and won't give nearly the control as Firefox or Chrome: it is garbage. Use at your own risk.

And, get this installed: â–º"HOSTS file" (from which blocks evil webpage assets from re-directs which install malware or trashware. (Vista requires special instructions; on-page link)
SpywareBlaster (snoopware prevention and hostfile guardian);