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How Can I send a letter or message to Justin Bieber? - Printable Version

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How Can I send a letter or message to Justin Bieber? - Ghalia - 02-18-2013 10:51 PM

I want to invite him to my Jordan , i live there it is a magical country
i know it is just a dream, but i wish !!

- Rachel (2010) - 02-18-2013 10:59 PM

He's not going to go anywhere you invite him...

- miniaturehorn537 - 02-18-2013 10:59 PM

well i cant fufil your wish but only by twitter

- Little Monster - 02-18-2013 10:59 PM


- Hello, Im Hero - 02-18-2013 10:59 PM

Really not to be mean, but Justin doesn't really show much appreciation for his fans. I don't think he'll respond.