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One of my friends likes the same guy as me..? - Printable Version

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One of my friends likes the same guy as me..? - amm - 10-12-2012 06:34 AM

My best friend is a guy, and I have a friend (who is a girl) who likes him. Turns out, I've dated him before, and so has she. I like him still, but I don't want to ruin any friend relationships with her over him. I really want him to ask me out, but I'm afraid she'd get mad. We get in fights a lot about him, and she's really mean through text or twitter. But the next day she sees me in person and is my best friend. What can I do to explain all of this to him, and tell her how I feel without starting a fight? I love her to death as a friend, but sometimes she just drives me crazy!

- BlueEyes♥ - 10-12-2012 06:42 AM

I know this may sound really awful but she isnt a true friend if she dosen't appreciate that you like him too! If she was a true friend she would NOT be making you feel bad about liking him too! I also think she is too afraid to say anything to you face to face as she might get caught by your bestfriend/crush. If you want to tell him abouot this why dont you start with a simple ''I know this will probably make my friend annoyed but i really need to tell you how i feel about you, its really tearing me apart! My friend likes you too and we often have arguments about so confused, i dont know what to do!'' or something like needs to be simple pimple and also stating the fact that your friend likes him too. Thats all i can really suggest, good luck and i hope he picks youWink

- Jessica - 10-12-2012 06:42 AM

I would generally say don't pick ur guys over ur girls but don't let your friend con you either...seems like she's being 2 face about it all, she's brave thru the computer but in person acts like everythings brave and just talk to her about it if she's truly a friend she'll allow the conversation...if not then she's probably not a true for the guy..its his choice who he wants to be with but don't let him be the boss of things either, show ur still interested but not desperate and he'll notice u before anybody else..good luck!