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How can I help my friend??! Please!? - Printable Version

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How can I help my friend??! Please!? - Abigail - 02-19-2013 12:24 PM

He is goin through alot right now and he is really stressed. He said that his parents want him to stay away from some of his friends but he has known that all his life. And that drama is ruining his life right now. He said his grades were slipping and that his social life was going down hill. And his friend said that e didn't want like any relationship right now but yesterday I told him I liked him. He is alway messaging me on Facebook but I can tell that he is really stressed out. I want to help him but u don't know how to. We are both in eighth grade btw
And I told one of his Friends about the whole stay away thug and he said that he is goin to not talk ad is going to stay away from him till he is back on track but he any see that it is a bad idea!! Help me please!!

- AuntKatie - 02-19-2013 12:32 PM

The best way that you can help him is to encourage him to listen to his parents, and follow his parents rules. And encourage him to talk to his parents about his stress.