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Why are so many people in the political section crazy? - Printable Version

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Why are so many people in the political section crazy? - HappyWarrior687 - 02-19-2013 05:19 PM

Ok did you know that most people in the political section believe that obama is the leader of the muslims and that he is going to destroy us. Yes that is the average person on there. Look at the answers of this question and see;_ylt=AkVg3rMpf7V9jjpCpQsHzSrsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20101126153155AA1xpZS

Tbh that was only mild compare to some answers. So you why are they so crazy?

- Reckless One - 02-19-2013 05:27 PM

Obama IS a muslim, what are you on about.


- Riot - 02-19-2013 05:27 PM

about a year ago i went into the politics section expecting to learn something. that was a huge disappointment, you'd learn more from watching Cartoon Network than you would from that section. Honestly only country hics, and half educated college graduates, (with degrees not even concentrated political science) hang around over there. completely unimpressive. just remember this. everyone on the internet, including myself, lets their superiority complex run free. they all hail themselves as some prodigal genius. i've noticed that must of the intelligent ppl i know are humble.

- laka - 02-19-2013 05:27 PM

Because politics is dead and has been dead.

- Bradley P - 02-19-2013 05:27 PM

Honestly? Yahoo! Services in general, and anything related to Yahoo! News Comments and Yahoo! Buzz Comments in particular, are going to feature butt-loads of right-wing troll. And the reason is simple enough: most of it is bought and paid-for. Yahoo! is literally the internet's answer to Fox News in this regard. You have a lot of people in Comments (in News and Buzz), and they are much the same people that show up here on Answers. They're paid to show up, to have multiple accounts, based in multiple email addresses and IP address proxies so they can't get banned, and their _job_ is to look like an army, with each "person" having anywhere from 20 to 50 accounts apiece from which they can spam their Fox News talking points and other repetitive drivel.

That, frankly, is anywhere from one-third to one-half of the content. Sad part of it is, for all that, they end up getting the real kooks on their side--much as Glenn Beck does on Fox News, so I've heard. So you get just enough real people barking along with the paid-for lunatics that Yahoo! can't tell who was who....even if they want to.

And they don't. See, I've been using Yahoo! Services of some sort since 1998. I know what this is about. Yahoo! Inc., as business model, has traditionally been about two income streams--the main one is click-through rates on advertising, banner ads. That's the one they admit to.

The one they don't admit to--which accounted for some 40 percent of their income in the late 1990s--is adult content and adult services--things like Yahoo! Personals, the _Original_ Yahoo! Webcam, and worse. Basically, there's been a long-standing trend with Yahoo!, of catering to the adults-only crowd, and especially the _paying customers_ of that crowd.

And most members of that crowd are more hard right-wing than usual. Much more so. It's the piece of the puzzle that often goes missing because good people don't talk about it--but it's true, a lot of your die-hard right-wing people are pervs and porno users. It's one of the three things--along with being NRA-gun-bunnies, and being Bible-humping-fundies--that really unites people and gets them organized. It's an excuse to network. It's a reason for anti-social people to get together and act as social unit.

And Yahoo! refuses to do anything about it because a good chunk of their userbase is _from that_ side of what was their business model. Yahoo! doesn't want people deleting their accounts en masse, which is what these folks would the right-wing madness goes unchecked. Entirely.

But yeah, that's why. They're largely paid to be crazy (or incited by those who are paid-for), and Yahoo! doesn't want to act because they are scared of losing the "freaks and freaks" side of their customer base.