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Is Elvis Presley passe? - Printable Version

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Is Elvis Presley passe? - Jason - 02-19-2013 09:07 PM

In this digital era, one basis of looking into what the world is up is through the internet, social media, etc. After monitoring Starcount's website for awhile, Elvis is definitely not popular anymore. Under the dead legend's popularity, Michael Jackson (consistent at no1), Bob Marley and Tupac Shakur consistently dominate the top 3. John Lennon is quite popular, too.

Elvis facebook page only has 6M+ fans, but old legends like the Beatles (30M+) and Bob Marley (40M+) still pull a huge number of fans. So not really an excuse that Elvis has been gone for long.

- BytemyAss - 02-19-2013 09:15 PM

No accounting for taste, I reckon.

- Winnipeg - 02-19-2013 09:15 PM


- Sally - 02-19-2013 09:15 PM

not sure.

- Michelle - 02-19-2013 09:15 PM

I'm not really a fan of Elvis. But you can still see elements of his influence with John Lennon, Michael Jackson, and artists who are around today. He has his place in music history, and remains a cultural icon. I don't think there is anyone around today who can rival Elvis at his peak, probably won't ever be again either. Anyone who follows modern music should at least have an awareness of his role, and I think he'll always have a cult following.

After he died, Priscilla did a great job rebuilding his estate, which was practically in ruins. She helped bring Elvis to a new generation but yeh it is now a new digital era, maybe they need to think of a new way to market him. Younger generation musicians who felt his influence should do some tributes.

Say what you want about Elvis, he had the type of image and voice you don't see much of these days - it's all about boys whose voices have hardly broken and who have baby type features. Elvis had a real mans voice and image.

- gregory_dittman - 02-19-2013 09:15 PM

I would say so. Elvis was just a singer and actor. He never wrote any of his songs and his movies were bombs. Even his style dates him.