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I have a question about Facebook? - Printable Version

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I have a question about Facebook? - Surfernatti3 - 02-19-2013 11:23 PM

I refreshed the page because it wasn't loading, and before the page refreshed something came up on the side (it looked like one of those polls they usually have) only it showed me a percentage of who views my profile the most. I know for a fact that it wasn't an advertisement, even if it sounds like it was. Is there a way I can get this chart thing back? I'm wicked curious lol

- abraXus - 02-19-2013 11:31 PM

those things that supposedly tell you who views your profile arent real... they just pick random people from your friends list and then lie to you, and then send out spam

chances are you added a browser extension that is taking over your ads, and when you do that, facebook doesnt let your computer load the website

try using a different browser, or remove an extensions that you have added

- Adam - 02-19-2013 11:31 PM

Lol you wanna know what guys be stalking you ....well idk sorry. Eh someone on hear is bound to know.

- Pangh - 02-19-2013 11:31 PM

There is no way until now that you have such a chart because facebook does not let users to be tracked, thus such a chart could have been some fake app pretending to show a fake chart.

- Lenny - 02-19-2013 11:31 PM

This is a spam application. Facebook currently doesn't have any feature on there to tell you who has looked at your profile the most etc.