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Why does the GOP call Obama's trips campaigning, while he is out meeting the people? - Printable Version

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Why does the GOP call Obama's trips campaigning, while he is out meeting the people? - Average College Student - 02-20-2013 04:15 AM

Obama needs to spend more time with the nation and see the problems that are existing. He really needs to focus on the college campuses and follow up with social media that really built and hyped him up in the last election. College students are scared that the Bush economy may still be a reality when they graduate.

- Elwood Blues - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

Because they've forgotten all about Bush's trips. Every time Obama travels, the republicans try to make it into some kind of scandal. They seem to have forgotten all about the travels of the guy they elected *twice*!

According to Bush took 77 trips to Crawford Texas on Air Force One for a total of 490 days there.

And that's not to mention 487 days at Camp David for Bush according to

Add in Bush's trip to the Olympics, his visits to his daddy in Kennebunkport Maine, and other sundry trips and you'll find Bush spent around 3 years of his presidency on vacation.

- Brutus - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM


- Wake Up America - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

collage only indoctrinates morons, they shouldnt be allowed to vote!

- Gungy - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

While he's out meeting the people, what in the hell do you call that? After 30 months and a mid term election, since Obama has already impacted the economy and conditions of the nation from HIS oval office, when does it become his. To you...Obama will be nothing but Bush's left hand. That be the case, all the more reason that Obama's goose is cooked next year. Just like his party 60 house reps, 10 senators, 14 governors and 680 state assembly seats his party lost last year. With conditions worse now than they were then, exactly what do you think the outcome will be? Obama is driving the same car - the same way in the same direction since 09'.......don't blame the car.

- Erraticpan479 - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

The GOP is opposed to Obama doing his job.

- How would I know - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

And think on the bright side.. when Obama is out campaigning he's not spending as much time screwing over the American people.

- Big One 0909 - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

Sure he does, I could not agree more. How about the first two and a half years of his one-term presidency?

You cannot deny that the campaign cycle has begun, and NOW he takes a bus tour, and DENIES that it is campaigning!

Yeah right! and his original choice for the joint session speech being on the night of the Republican debate was PURE coincidence, not intentional in the least!

It is good for Obama that there are still some gullible boobs out there.

- Shovel Ready - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

Obongo pays no time listening. If he did, he would have resigned by now.

- wichitaor1 - 02-20-2013 04:23 AM

Is President Obama listening or talking? Maybe he should listen to the people who actually work and pay taxes.

PS. I bet you are scared. Evidently you did not learn anything in college and nobody wants to hire a person who knows nothing.