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What Does It Mean When He Doesn't Reply? - Printable Version

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What Does It Mean When He Doesn't Reply? - cheerstothegoodlife - 10-12-2012 06:55 AM

I met this guy and I really like him and I think he likes me. He's the one who hugged me first, he's the one who added me on facebook. He's so sweet and nice to me. He said himself he would message me on facebook, which he did, and made me so happy and we talked last night.
However he didn't reply to my last message (it was just a really casual message) in 19 hours already. He posted stuff on twitter 6 hours ago though...and he doesn't have school this whole week so he isn't busy or anything.
What does this mean? I want to cry. I really like him and he seemed interested...I'm so sad. And I don't want to message him because I don't want to seem desperate.

- La Vie Boheme - 10-12-2012 07:03 AM

For crying out loud, it hasn't even been a whole day yet. Maybe he has nothing to say. Maybe he IS busy or maybe he doesn't really like using facebook as communication ALL the time. You aren't even in a relationship with him and you want to cry? Get a hold of yourself.

- Smilingwater687 - 10-12-2012 07:03 AM

dont take it personal maybe he didnt check yet or doesnt know how to reply to what you wrote. maybe hes shy and nervous. text him say hi and see what he says. ive had friends where i would send them a message and they didnt respond right away itll be like hrs, and i would see that they would quickly respond to others but then theyll respond to me. maybe his friends or relatives and other ppl are blowing up his phone so not for nothing but maybe his inbox is crammed with messages you never know