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Finding tutorials run by people over age 50.? - Printable Version

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Finding tutorials run by people over age 50.? - Judith M - 02-20-2013 06:03 AM

Would like answers that can be understood by people over 60 who are not tech-savvy. You Tube tutorials are useless since everyone I've attempted to use is run by a young person who talks too fast and doesn't organize their thoughts before opening their mouth. Words/phrases like um, ah, basically, and, etc. make following along impossible unless you are a 12-year old kid. Any suggestions where I can go to understand the concept of jailbreak and why Cydia is a good idea?.

- Fred - 02-20-2013 06:11 AM

You just have to adjust. We don't run the world anymore. Kids are so used to texting that they do not use punctuation. The idea of grammar is "so 20th century." Their spelling is so third grade.

Jailbreak refers to an iPhone. If you come to a term you do not understand, Google it! It is today's dictionary as well as the place to look things up. I find YouTube tremendously useful, but you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find the prince of an answer.

Good luck from a senior.

- ok - 02-20-2013 06:11 AM

Haha! I don't blame you not wanting to watch the YouTube tutorials, most are fast-paced because the attention span of people on YouTube are extremely short so the faster they talk, the longer they stay on the video. I have a tutorial here:

It may be too fast-paced as well, but figured I'd give it a shot. I don't know where to find tutorials like you're looking for, but I don't mind typing it out for you to get an understanding because I really enjoy jailbreaking and everything it has to offer.

First, there are two concepts that a lot of people get confused, which are jailbreaking and unlocking. Unlocking your device only manipulates what carrier you can use. So, for example, if I bought an AT&T iPhone, I can only use it on the AT&T network. If I unlock it, I can use it on any network (This is in the process of becoming illegal in the US, but I don't believe they've come to a decision just yet).

Jailbreaking is a whole other story. No matter what you hear from anyone else, jailbreaking is NOT illegal so don't believe the trolls that will probably post on this question trying to deter you from it. Back to jailbreaking - Once your device is jailbroken, you can customize things on your device that you were not able to customize before - these are called "tweaks" - such as downloading and installing themes (just like you would on a desktop PC) adding widgets to your springboard, getting a completely integrated notification center that lets you post and read your entire news feed to/from facebook and twitter. Completely different app switchers (the app switcher appears if you double-click your home button) that can be fullscreen and switched just by swiping your finger. You can speed up your animations, so the opening/closing of applications are much more crisp and springy. There is so many things you can customize with a jailbreak it's really hard to explain it all, but in a nutshell it can make your device look the way you want, have things on there that are not Apple approved (so there are many more options) while making everything you use on your device more accessible.

The pros far out-weigh the cons, in my opinion, but the cons must be discussed. If your device is still under warranty, jailbreaking voids that warranty, BUT if you ever need to bring your device in for repair or whatever all you have to do is restore your device and Apple will never know that it was it's still under warranty. This is just a tactic by Apple to scare people away from jailbreaking. Also, since the apps/tweaks aren't approved by Apple, there are more apps/tweaks that have bugs that can crash your device (this is usually fixed by just rebooting your device). This is where watching YouTube videos kinda comes in handy because the uploader of the videos - hopefully - have already tested the tweaks and know that they aren't buggy before posting them to their audience and telling them to download it.

There are also apps that give you access to download illegal content, like free movies/tv shows/software, which no one will really ever crack down on you for that and arrest you, but if that's something you want to stay away from, just now it's out there.

All in all, jailbreaking is really fun and useful because you have a device worth hundreds of dollars that you can optimize to its full potential. And it's free.

I may try slowing my videos down in order to apply to a wider audience, now that you mention it. If you want to just *see* what some apps/tweaks can do on a jailbroken device check out this playlist of some tweaks I've had/have on my device.

I hope this helps you out and you have more of an understanding of the concept of jailbreaking. I don't think you can respond really to me on Yahoo Answeres, but feel free to drop me a message on my YouTube channel if you have more questions or anything. Good luck!

- ELfaGeek - 02-20-2013 06:11 AM

I couldn't agree more that Youtube is for kids. They are the only ones capable of understanding someone's mumbled words over the 90 db background music!

Wikipedia is the perfect place for seniors to go because kids may start a topic, but, it's almost always polished by other seniors.

And, in language easy to understand by all ages. More detailed info: