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Is Queen Elizabeth II displeased at her grand-daughter dressing like a dominatrix? - Printable Version

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Is Queen Elizabeth II displeased at her grand-daughter dressing like a dominatrix? - Clara - 02-20-2013 07:29 AM

Princess Beatrice wore a leather dominatrix skirt recently so is it time she got married off to Dave Clark
and dresses more conservatively? What would the Queen think of this?
@Lili obviously Princess Beatrice leaves the proper dominatrix outfit back at her apartment as she needed to look half decent for dinner. Yes Lili I'm more vanilla style as I don't go for polyandry dominatrix lifestyle like you.
@Lili if I'm not mistaken you made a swipe at me first. Incidently I don't think age has anything to do with maturity.
@Mod I don't think I have changed my posts but I don't normally ask about dominatrix stuff. A newspaper had mentioned it so I just wanted people's comments and not a personal attack on me for asking it.

- John M - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

clara, we believe the Royal Family should be given the full respect of our people no matter what we choose to wear. We are not amused, but we are far from displeased. God save me!

- Anthony - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

She's hardly in a leather catsuit. The Queen probably understands her grandchildren will dress in a way that is modern and reflects their personal taste. I reckon Beatrice has enough dignity and respect to avoid wearing anything the Queen would deem inappropriate.

- tallKiller281 - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

No, Her Majesty The Queen is not at all displeased.

There is no proof that the skirt is actually made of leather, as there is synthetic material that mimic the look and shine of genuine leather. Unless the princess actually told the media that she was wearing leather, there is no way that the media can determine that it is actually leather without closely examining and touching the material. Of course, the media would not dare to approach the princess and ask permission to examine the material of her skirt.because that constitutes lèse majesté.

The princess should always be aware of her public image and should dress appropriately for someone of her high social status.

- Lili - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

A little leather or pleather skirt, especially worn with everything else Beatrice had on, doesn't represent "dressing like a dominatrix".

If you think so, you've got an odd idea of what a dominatrix is likely to wear in her dungeon. We'll just assume that your experience levels are, er, on the "vanilla" side.

Edit Clara, dear, I have one husband and one only (for 27 years!), and no one dominates. Watch the tantrums and insults. They reveal how young you are. Please start trying to grow up. The category would benefit.

- Luke - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

the human body is natural and mainstream is lame

- capitalgentleman - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

What is wrong with a leather mini? And, "dominatrix?" Hardly!

- Hannah - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

The queen is not displeased at all. The queen doesnt express her opinions on what others wear.

- MOD - 02-20-2013 07:37 AM

She is wearing what most of the younger girls find in Vogue presently. Clara, you have seemed to change your posting style. I always enjoyed your posts.