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How do you download apps on a jailbroken iphone? - Printable Version

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How do you download apps on a jailbroken iphone? - crescentmoon - 02-20-2013 07:46 AM

Okay so i'm probably gonna sound like a noob, but this is my first time owning an iphone, and it's jailbroken too. I want to download apps like twitter and facebook, but am i suppose to download them from the app store or the jailbroken app? and is the jailbroken app which i believe is called cydia(?) where i download all the free games and such?

- Lazy - 02-20-2013 07:54 AM

you just download them from here

- Enzo - 02-20-2013 07:54 AM

Hello, I suggest you look at this site Here surely the answer to your question and many other tips on the iPhone. It 'a magazine edited by a group of boys iPhone fans who know more of the devil. The entrance to the site is absolutely free, no registration. Just click on the link. Hello and good fun!