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are there any cultures, religions, or countrys where homosexuality is encouraged or accepted?/anthroConnection? - Printable Version

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are there any cultures, religions, or countrys where homosexuality is encouraged or accepted?/anthroConnection? - luzz - 02-20-2013 09:10 AM

are there any cultures, religions, or countrys where homosexuality is encouraged or accepted?
I'm doing an anthro/psych/soc report and my thesis is that North America's media's lack of homosexual portrayals causes low self-esteem and suicide amoung its's homosexual youth. my main points are that youth develop these negative feelings because of North American media’s lack of homosexuality portrayals, being alienation in most all social groups, and bullying. Now I'm working on my connections to anthro/psych/soc and I cant think of one for anthropology that doesnt counter my thesis because north america is one of the most accepting of homosexuality Confused so I was thinking it would be easier to to a comparison if i could actually find a social group that doesnt alienate homosexuality.

so If you could help me you would save my life or if you could give me another idea for my anthro connection...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE its due tomorrow

- Alexface - 02-20-2013 09:18 AM

I know it's wikipedia, but it will word it much better than I could. Strangely, many of the civilisations that had a relaxed attitude to homosexuality are way in the past.

- crookedthrone094 - 02-20-2013 09:18 AM

Nope it wouldnt make sense for homosexuality to be encouraged other wise it would be like a culture committing suicide because no children would be born to keep a stable population

- anonymous - 02-20-2013 09:18 AM

I've heard that the Netherlands is the least homophobic place in the world. You might use that as a comparison to the USA.

- Joe - 02-20-2013 09:18 AM

It's not something that needs to be encouraged, just like heterosexuality doesn't need to be encouraged. It just exists, always has and always will. So the question should actually be: are there any countries that accept this without making a big deal about it, aka "live and let live"? The answer is yes, as this mindset can be found in Scandinavia, as well as most of western Europe. This stems from secularism and humanism, concepts deeply entrenched within the culture of many countries in that part of the world. So overall, I'd say study Scandinavia.

- Martin - 02-20-2013 09:18 AM

I doubt there's anywhere where homosexuality is encouraged (maybe Ancient Greece, but I'm guessing you don't have a time machine), but the most accepting places are probably the Netherlands and, in North America, Canada, among a couple of others that I can't remember.