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What is it called when you and a guy like each other but you aren't together yet? (Read description!)? - Printable Version

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What is it called when you and a guy like each other but you aren't together yet? (Read description!)? - Abbie! - 02-20-2013 04:23 PM

(BACKGROUD STORY) I've liked this guy for a while and we recently told each other our feelings, but he wants to wait to make it official until we get to know each other better. We talk everyday but for some reason he's waiting... -.- I know there is a reason, so I won't push it. He needs to be happy and stable first Smile

(MY REASON FOR THE QUESTION) You know those cute/funny twitters where girls express themselves through tweets about relationships? Like UnengagedWife and PrincessGirlfriendProbs? I wanted to look for one (or make one myself) but I don't know what to call it! Any ideas? Help!

It sounds dumb and like not a big deal but I would just like to know. :3 thanks!!!

Love, Not-so-taken girl.(:

- El Americano - 02-20-2013 04:31 PM


- D, The Writer - 02-20-2013 04:31 PM

Facebook has a think that says, "It's complicated." Which completely suits what you've got. It's complicated. Or you can go with not-so-taken girl.

- Rebecca - 02-20-2013 04:31 PM

call it notsotakengirl lol that would be cute! i would follow