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Business Ideas for a 13 Year Old? - Printable Version

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Business Ideas for a 13 Year Old? - Matthew - 02-20-2013 05:15 PM

Hi! I am a 13 year old boy who lives in Canada. I am very entrepreneurial minded and I have various different business ventures in action currently such as designing website for small businesses and buying and selling things for profit on Kijiji. I know what you're thinking, what more could he need? He's only 13! But I'd like to make some more money. Does anyone have any ideas as to things I can do (online or not) to make some more money? Keep in mind I am only 13, turning 14 in June. I'm not looking for common answers like mowing lawns, lemonade stands and babysitting. I'm looking for some ideas that are more original. If you have any ideas, I'd really appreciate to hear them. Thanks! Smile

- Cupcake23 - 02-20-2013 05:23 PM

Well, I'm not sure if your town has some, but some towns' stores and stuff actually do hire 13 year olds! When I need money, I just kinda walk around my house in socks and kinda clean as much as I can! I also like doing bakesales and sometimes I sell some of my old clothes that neither me or my two younger sisters can wear.

I also like to walk around town offering help with neighbors and stuff (offering to wash their cars, their dogs or take the dogs out on a walk)!

Sorry if I didn't help. :'(


- onlinemarketter - 02-20-2013 05:23 PM

If you are good at designing website you can make good money from this ability.

1. Ask your parents to create a paypal account for you if you have not so far. (Use their names)

2. Go to Fiverr and create an account and start your gig: Say you will fix any issues that webmasters run into with their websites. And related things to website design, just be creative. Remember you are going to fix their problems for 5 dollars. Later on you can add extras for more money. For example you can say that you will deliver this job withing 24 hours for extra 5 dollars.

3. Create your own website. First use your parents credit card to buy your domain and hosting. ( Make sure you ask for permission ) Start promoting your business on social media like facebook, twitter, etc...

4. Create beautiful designs and display on affiliate networks. This way people will promote your designs for a commission and you will make more sales. ( Ask your parents to create account with these networks, because you may not get paid since you don t have bank account, and this is against these networks TOS )

5. Start today and you will see that opportunities are endless. You will learn a lot of things in the days to come.