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Feeling a little out of place, how do I get back on track? - Printable Version

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Feeling a little out of place, how do I get back on track? - Mpho Mabasa - 02-20-2013 05:39 PM

Greetings Yahooers (If that works)

I got a big problem involving my life's plan. (-.-), I feel I'm left behind in progressing on in my life while everybody else is moving forward.

Get this both my sisters have their degree and I'm really struggling with mine. I'm studying Law by the way and I really don't see myself going far with it, however my parents have promised me that I am free to study what I really want as long as I can get this law degree...Now my progress with it is a little slow, I've fallen so far behind the dudes I was with in my freshman year are actually ahead of me now. I still got bad grades this year and I will be held back again, I don't have an excuse but it's my fault for getting distracted, I recently discovered I want to be a comedian and I wanna go in the same direction as Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy by trying to write jokes, a sketch comedy show as well as movies.

My love for entertainment is really rich and I'm enthusiastic about it, however since I am in South Africa, Entertainment is perceived as a 1st world recreational career and this is why my parents won't allow me to jump right into film school unless I get my Law Degree (-.-)

On top of all that I feel I am not complete both in my social life and academic life and I have to deal with this pressure I get from looking at how far my Sisters are and my friends (-.-)

I know what I want but even I fear I won't make it far in the entertainment biz since it works with the whole "One day you're in and one day you're out" rule...I understand why my parents don't want their child gambling like that and I agree but I am not sure on where to go since I'm not all hype about Law and the Media Studies degree is a little to plain, I can;t do science since I'm bad at math and physics I feel i have no choice but to focus on law and just get done with it...

Is this a smart decision?

- Guido Sarducci - 02-20-2013 05:47 PM

Remember to always follow your heart and do what feels best for you. Do not let anyone tell you what is best for you. You will know what I mean in a few months.