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When illegal immigration effects the whole nation - How can media make it appear as only a conservative issue? - Printable Version

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When illegal immigration effects the whole nation - How can media make it appear as only a conservative issue? - Akkita - 02-20-2013 08:49 PM

It is an issue that effects the economy , healthcare and nation security but the media has turned it into a "Only Conservatives Hate the Poor Mexicans " issue. And we have let them .
WHY? One reasonable explanation please...............

Why do we as a nation let the media do this to us ?
Why does the media seem to love having us at each others throats ?
The media seems to be the driving force in this issue.

Why does the media ignore the people that struggle for years to come here legally ?

- giginotgigi - 02-20-2013 08:57 PM

If looking back to history, Americans were mainly illegal immigrants from Europe. Eventually, all grew to such big success.

Those illegal immigrants , nowadays, are living in underground and working as slave to some underground factories. They would not take any benefit from society because they fear of being caught. Of course, their next generation will be added into citizenship- this adds the uncertainty in planning for the social security.

- Prince Slop Bucket - 02-20-2013 08:57 PM

The media is, was and will always be anti- white American.

- anjana - 02-20-2013 08:57 PM

Forget that media. What has the government did, till date on this issue? Sure the migrants would be pleased to stay and live better in their home countries than in US! Why then the USA as a signatory to the Organization of American States should not help plan and develop these countries across north America, whereby huge native American themselves can work and contribute for their upliftment and these would strengthen the base of USA in politics and economy of this whole region!

IN fact it is of great importance and sensitively the best choice for America to do the rehabilitation of the migrants in their own home countries with a long, meaningful and constructive dialog with these nations and to make the right moves! It is also important to effectively control the new influx of people coming everyday to US for better job and earning!

- anna s - 02-20-2013 08:57 PM

Because it is mostly conservatives who have said that something needs to be done. & it is conservatives that want the fence. THe liberal democrats are already planning on how to register all of the illegals as democratic voters as soon as they give them the right to vote. It's the same thing as their support of more social welfare programs. They figure that the people will feel indebted to them & will vote democratic.
Also don't forget that most of the tv & radio media outlets are extremely liberal biased.

Edit: Hey Anjana - why should the US gov't be responsible for taking care of & developing the home countries of the illegals? Let their own countries take responsibility for them!!