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How do i get targettted traffic to my site? - Printable Version

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How do i get targettted traffic to my site? - ssyruuss - 02-20-2013 09:59 PM

- Megan - 02-20-2013 10:07 PM

you need some backlinks... try . You can submit your site to them, which will help with traffic and your google rankings

- Jake - 02-20-2013 10:07 PM

Social marketing on web 2.0 sites or forums that discuss your subject is a way to get some free publicity, you should be a contributing citizen, not a spammer to be effective, some mrketers outsource this sort of activity.

Perhaps the most common method is paid search advertisements, in which your ads are only shown to people already actively searching for a an answer or solution you might be able to provide, the ads are no longer pennies a click like when they were first introduce, competitive bidding had driven up the cost of many sales related keywords to dollars per click. Some doctor and lawyer related terms cost over $50 per click.

Using paid ads that are strategically placed on sites or even individual selected pages that attract your demographic is another common practice, in some cases you just specify certain keywords and trust the ad networks to identify matching pages.

Facecook paid ads offer unique demographic targeting based on member profile information, you could specify that your ad is only shown to Single Females between 18 and 26 living in cities within 10 miles of your location who's status is Engaged. You can narrow it farther by specifying interests they may have mentioned in their page. Facebook gives you an estimated reach for your demographic setting.

You can find email list owners, like ezine publishers who will send a marketing email on your behalf to their lists of demographically matched subscribers,who are often proven buyers.

A giant database of rental post mail lists also has email addresses and phone numbers: I assume to conform to U.S. can-spam regulations the email list owners mail for you.