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What's the best way to talk to your boyfriend ? - Printable Version

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What's the best way to talk to your boyfriend ? - just me - 02-20-2013 11:08 PM

So me and this guy have been dating for 2 months the first month me and him were talking everyday and i was enjoying it alot .. We use to chat ALOT about what we have in common and we literaly asked every single question in this world. But now when me and him talk its just like "Hii, How are you, What are you doing?, What will you do tomrrow *end of*" And i gotta admit .. our convos are BORING. And i also feel like he is changing .. like he isnt really interested in talking to me he is acting weird he dosnt talk to me the way he use to before .. Lik ein a romantic way when i tell him i love him he sends a smiley face and he isnt telling me whats bothering him .. he also changed his facebook password yesterday and he ddnt tell me (we usually tell echother) An dno im not a controling freak i actually just go on it to look at me and his messages i like readin because i delete mine on my account. He goes on mine everyday and reads all my messages he even told me to stop talking to one of my guy friends i use to talk to alot .. i asked him if he still oved me yesterday and he said yes ofc i do . So .. ? Whats the case

- Evan - 02-20-2013 11:16 PM

i had this same problem with my girlfriend we use to have alot of thing to talk about and talk daily. But the conversations died out, just find things to talk about tell stories talk about your day or even cuddle in silence im sure he still loves you and is thinking the same way you are.

- Quietsong440 - 02-20-2013 11:16 PM

The great thing about getting into relationships is the newness of everything - every day is like an adventure, there's so much to learn about your partner and so many NEW things to do together. For this reason, it's harder to maintain a relationship than to get in one because if you don't put in the effort, it all gets old really fast. I would encourage you to remember what made you attracted to each other (hopefully its more than just superficial reasons) and focus on those things. Get comfy in your relationship - you'll see there's a lot to share - even if its just the events of your day and how that made you feel, a memory from your childhood, a commercial, a movie you want to see etc...hopefully you get to a point where the conversations are natural again.

Now remember to always be honest with him and especially with yourself. Personally, i wouldnt necessarily give my facebook password so soon, but if he has your password and reads your messages, it's only fair that you also have his information as well. If he's acting strange and you've tried to communicate your concerns with him, give him some space - let him work through whatever's bothering him and let him miss you. He'll come around when he's ready.