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Why don't rappers these days keep it real? - Printable Version

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Why don't rappers these days keep it real? - Devin - 02-21-2013 03:21 AM

Instead of exploiting women money gold doing and selling drugs and drinking alcohol why don't they talk about the things that actually matter like the past and present struggles of blacks in America my little brother goes to an all white school and he's the smartest kid in the class he knows a lot of stuff because I teach him a lot but he's really bad he's in kindergarten and he got suspended for choking a kid for sitting in his seat all he talks about is swag the African American people didn't march and get sprayed with hoses attacked but dogs and beat up with bats just so we can act stupid they did it so we could have an education and help one another out not kill each other with drugs and violence the African American people today don't even wanna learn and they barley wanna speak English and if rap is the head line for black culture then why don't the rappers make it good

- Ken - 02-21-2013 03:29 AM

Rap sucks.They can't sing or play indtrument

- Big Bang Theorist - 02-21-2013 03:29 AM

You're listening to the wrong shît then. Search for some good artists like that.

- Answery - 02-21-2013 03:29 AM

That has nothing to do with "these days." Rap music has always been like that, since day one. You're yet another person who can't separate the "butts and clubs" theme from the "gangsta / violence" theme. I'm not going to explain it again. It's not the same thing.

Regardless though, no music talks about politics and issues. If you want to hear about politics and issues, read books, watch documentaries, watch the news. There a million other media outlets than just rap music and expecting rap music to teach morals is retarded.

Your little brother needs dicipline and better parenting. Rap music is not to blame for his acting out - your family is.

People would act stupid regardless of whether or not rap music even existed. Drugs and violence would be part of American and African American culture regardless of rap music. If you want to take that issue up with someone, go talk to the CIA and FBI for spreading crack to Black neighborhoods.

- A.A - 02-21-2013 03:29 AM

cause there fags its all about 2pac,biggie,nas,az,jay-z,eminem,50 cent(old),snoop dogg(old),b.o.b,lupe fiasco,kanye west(old),game(old)

- Tid - 02-21-2013 03:29 AM

One simple answer, my friend. The music industry...they control everything that goes on with rap. If it doesn't get high ratings then they won't put it on. Unfortunately, many people like the whole sex, drugs, and exploiting of women. But if you want to listen to real rap. Listen to some underground rap. I recommend RA The Rugged Man, Vinnie Paz, Gore Elohim, and there's plenty more. You just need to explore. Hope that gave you your answer.

- Isaiah - 02-21-2013 03:29 AM

There are plenty of artists out there that kick knowledge (Nas, Canibus, Mos Def etc). However, they never make it big in the industry. Why? There are many theories out there: Ignorant youth, racist industry, oppression etc. At the end of the day, kids listen to most what is on the radio. As long as the radio does't play music with knowledge behind it then there is no hope.

Responses to other comments:
1.Plenty of rapper play instruments, a few can sing. Don't believe me? Check out Ryan Leslie
2. Rappers do talk about social problems and politics, however you are right about the documentaries.

- Tj - 02-21-2013 03:29 AM

Peace. I agree, that rappers aren't keeping it real these days and can pick up behavior from these rappers. I remember some show coming on a while back and this teenager was talking about how all the girls were looking provocative in the videos and how he wanted to have sex now. This was just one kid, imagine what it's doing all across the globe. People do seem to emulate what they see on tv and hear in songs and watch in movies because they have influence. Perhaps those people don't know it but I was influenced by a song just the other day. Everyone is saying "Yolo". I was listening to KB, he says, "You only live it once, my homies live it twice". Then he goes on to say new heaven homie, new earth too. I took that and that was my defense against someones argument. If rappers want to dumb down that's not cool with me, they're bringing too many people down with them and that goes for wrestling too. Kids can't tell the difference from real life and fantasy in the videos and we all repeat lines from movies. I think Hollywood is definately dumbing us down. But check this out, I was searching for something on the internet one day and I found this Ross and Rose article. It was in a book but it was basically that the government or someone doesn't want certain music to be played on the radio. They called it militant music and something else. I'll try to find the article right quick. Okay it's page 201 under the critical literacy of rap. At the bottom of the page they talk about the media doesn't want to focus on controversial or social critique and criticism. Here's the link...

I listen to music to learn and get smarter. I have no idea why other people listen to it. Personally I think every rapper is a teacher. Basically you hear their songs over and over and you learn it. I hope whoever is listening is picking up the right things.
