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How come shootings in white areas is named differently than in other areas? - Printable Version

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How come shootings in white areas is named differently than in other areas? - Baxter Dewall - 02-21-2013 08:38 AM

I hear it all the time, school shooting, mall shooting, ect, its always given some other name. But where I live, predominately black area btw, its just called gang violence. Couple people get shot outside the local liq, gang violence. Car full of people shot up on the freeway, gang violence. It never makes headlines, just a short rambling of "gang violence erupted on blah blah blah blah, 4 dead". Is the country just numb to black on black crime and dont report it or what? It confuses me, cause I can hear about a white man shot at a gas station in Oregon yet 2 brothas die up the street from me and nothing gets said.

- Gina - 02-21-2013 08:46 AM

Because the "white" shootings you're talking about don't involved gang members, while other shootings usually do. I agree that they should get more attention, but they are different things by definition.

- Gray - 02-21-2013 08:46 AM

Racial disparities exist. I'm white, but I'd admit that blacks are not smiled upon as a whole. It sucks because whether we're watching Jail, Bait Car, Cops, or whatever, the 'suspects' are often times Black, or mexican.

- Gus Elsing - 02-21-2013 08:46 AM

Thats life, country is numb too racial profiling and effects of negative stereotypes on black America also...

- cooingwater117 - 02-21-2013 08:46 AM

Because White people write the history books and editorials in their favour. Therefore, they decrease any suspicion from other cultures about their own misdemeanours. Its normal behaviour for politicians, journalists and people who have no integrity.

- Mingle - 02-21-2013 08:46 AM

Yeah and when it happens with Muslims then its called a terrorist attack not a 'shooting.'

- hello there - 02-21-2013 08:46 AM

a school shooting or a mall shooting..... because it involves a school or a mall .... there is nothing different.

the country is NOT numb on black violence... "gang violence" is the catch all word for f'ed black culture and society.

these complete and utterly destroyed people will start crying about racism and stereotypes at any kind of FOCUS on black violence at all. its simply NOT ALLOWED outside of any context in wich it isnt a "result" of racism and social injustices. thats how black people have been trained to Demand it.

im not talking about the black people that actually commit crimes... im talking about the supposedly "nice" black people. black people in general... the majority... do not flip out over any violence in their communites, any violence their communities perpetrate against others. "gang violence" becomes a way to dissociate it from black people in general. its "better" to put emphasis on an "other" that you can vilify.

dirty truth is they dont otherwise care... they will spend more time, energy and opportunity to talk about "stereotypes"

thats how it works...there is no other dialog allowed or wanted.... even if white people wanted to treat black crimes the same way....

do you think for a second that Black people would be happy about picking apart and scrutinizing an average black "thug" and his family over days and weeks in the media ...

everything that "nice" black people work so hard to convince themsleves are "stereotypes"... would be plastered everywhere and center of attention on all media outlets.

they... black people DONT WANT IT. and if you were to do it anyway, youd likely be talking a whole lot about broken social values.... and that is something liberals sure as hell dont want. yeah...liberal media is just fine with "gang violence"... and black people will NEVER do anything more than give limp lip service in casual conversation.

these hypocrites just want to HINT that there is somehow wrongding by white people ... instead of black people because of the different ways its approached. white people still DO flip out over this stuff when it hits close to home... they get all over it. black people DONT.

unless they can work whitey into somehow.

***and white people arent exactly immune from this stupid twisted politically correct behavior.... take the last shooting for example... if it took place 30 years ago.... the fact that the sickos parents were divorced would have topped the list as to "why" it happened. but that divorce is so pervasive, its come "off the table" as something even worth mentioning. a whole lot of people would be "offended" nowadays.

- Peter S - 02-21-2013 08:46 AM

I believe that if black kids were shot in school, it would draw all the attention like any other school shooting.

Please, support petition for proper investigation of school shootings.