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Can you really earn money from an amateur website on a free web host? - Printable Version

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Can you really earn money from an amateur website on a free web host? - Bubbletruble - 02-21-2013 04:43 PM

I've learned some html, javascript and css and now want to try opening my website on a free web host for some extra money. Will it work if I put ads on it even though the site won't be as eye-catching or professional?

- arcanise4 - 02-21-2013 04:51 PM

if people go there and click on ads then yes you will make money

- Chey58 - 02-21-2013 04:51 PM


- dewcoons - 02-21-2013 04:51 PM

Only if you can convince people that they want to come to your site.

One very popular web site is neither eye-catching nor professional. But it gets hundreds of visits a day. The creator set out to make the WORST web site on the Internet. Broke every rule about how not to design a web site. And so he gets hundreds of visits every day from high school and college students who are looking for the worst web site they can find to submit for a class.

It is possible to have a successful web site if you have the right content on it. Facebook is hardly an "eye-pleasing" site, but it content draws millions of people ever day - often dozens of times a day.

Even if you never make a penny off your original site, the experience you will gain designing, posting, maintaining, updating and always trying to find some why to improve, make in more exciting, eye-catching and professional will make you money later in life when you can use those same skills for an employer.

- What - 02-21-2013 04:51 PM

You can join some affiliate program to be an advertising publisher; the popular one is Google AdSense.

Try make your site traffic to increase your earning.