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Can someone please explain to me why women treated like sex objects by a lot of men (I have done a test here)? - Printable Version

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Can someone please explain to me why women treated like sex objects by a lot of men (I have done a test here)? - Andre - 02-21-2013 05:18 PM

I am not trying to sound disrespectful to women since I have a high respect for women. But today I was with a friend of mine and she found this page on facebook called add me. She went and left a comment on the page that said "people should just add me because I am looking for more friends." Within about 5 no more then 10 minutes she had about 25-30 friend requests mostly from dudes with about 2 ladies who added her. Keep in mind most of my friends think she is hot.

She adds these people and within the next 5 minutes I kid you not a large bunch of them started randomly commenting on all her photos and statuses saying how sexy she looked and some of them even said she had big double D's. I don't really need more friends she was just doing this to look for some more online people to chat up. But I did a test and posted a similar message that read "looking for some friends to chat with so you should add me."

But within a 20 minute period I got like only 5 requests and none of the people who added me said a word about my pictures so I deleted them after my little test was done. I noticed how women get treated like sex objects in the world by a lot of men. I know not all men react the same about women and me being gay I don't like women in that kind of way and she knows this but why do guys do that? If a women posts that she wants more friends she gets like 30 adds and comments. If a guy said he wants more friends he is lucky to even get 5. Why is that?

- Yang Cheng - 02-21-2013 05:26 PM

This is really super interesting because I did a short speech on narcissism and how social media and narcissism go totally hand in hand.

I think that woman are objectified as these sort of "sex objects" because for the longest time men have been allowed to do it. I remember reading a story or conversation about a discussion in this sociology class about women and rape (or something along those lines) and how we tolerate the abuse of women in society. The teacher of the class asked the students what does it mean when a little boy pulls the hair of a little girl. The class replies "That means he likes her". The teacher responded ""Okay, what does it mean when a young adolescent male tackles a girl, even when the girl insists that that is not okay,". THe class replies, "Well, that's how boys are,". Finally the teacher asks, "What happens when an ADULT male physically grabs a female,". The class replies "Oh no, thats wrong! He should go to jail!" etc etc. The teacher points out that if males are brought up thinking that it is okay to physical grab/hurt girls, then males would think that it is okay to do it when they are grown up. Same thing with the objectification of females in society as "sex toys" or "sex objects". People grow up seeing these images on tv or the internet on what the "perfect woman" and "perfect wife" is supposed to be, and that as a male, you are entitled to use woman as sex objects. That's realliy pathetic. Sexism is a problem, it really is. I for one don't like it. I also don't like it how I'm treated as less of a man if I am nice to a girl or if i don't tell a girl to get in the kitchen to make a sandwich. I honestly think those people are naive.

it's just the nature of the beast, you know. Guys aren't mostly seen as sex objects, and woman are.

- V e r aâ„¢ - 02-21-2013 05:26 PM

My only answer would be that men are still seen as the "hunter", the one chasing after the girl. The more attention they can get out of a girl, the higher their potential to get a reaction from her, I think this is what they believe..They want the girl, to notice them..

If your friend was just average looking and didn't have any pictures, or just one of her face, I don't think she would have gotten that many reactions.. Also, men are proud if they have many girls at their disposal, whereas girls.. are called sluts if they have had many ex's.. Guys seem to like to brag..

Honestly, I don't know why this is the case.. but I see it as well on fb.. if a girl puts a picture on fb that is a bit revealing, she will get like 50 likes within the hour.. mostly from guys. With guys, their friends will put a comment like "player" and he will get 15 likes at most.. I guess girls are more secretive than guys..