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How does the mass media present ethnic minorities in a biased way? - Printable Version

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How does the mass media present ethnic minorities in a biased way? - tttaaazzz - 02-26-2013 09:10 AM

How does the media present ethnic minorities in a biased/bad way??? And could you give examples?

- Craig R - 02-26-2013 09:10 AM

If you don't know, maybe they don't.

- colossalowl954 - 02-26-2013 09:17 AM

If the news story is good, then there is generally little/no bias e.g. celebrating sporting achievements, they have no problem with Lewis Hamilton, Amir Khan or Colin Jackson etc.

However, when the news story is bad then there does seem to be elements of bias. Here is the best example:

In 2000, an 8 year old girl called Victoria Climbie was abused and murdered by her guardians in Haringey, London. Almost ten years later, under the same social services, Baby P's case became public and everyone remembers his awful demise but do they remember Victoria Climbie?

It appears in the eyes of the press that the murder of a white child is more newsworthy than the murder of a child from an ethnic minority background. Why? Because the press think people will have more sympathy for white victims.

Whether the public are like this, is entirely a different matter.

- Jon - 02-26-2013 09:22 AM

During Cnn's Latinos in America there was not one example of the hispanic people that were in the south west before the americans they wanted to paint all hispanics as if they where new to the country as if there were no hispanics in the civil war or ww2 there wil never be a movie about latino ww2 solders like spike lees black movie not that is wrong at least black people are finally getting some justice but it's to hard to belive that some hispanics have been in america longer then some white people i mean that to since 1890 hispanics have been forced to be americans when did most itaalns russian irish people come in the 20s now hispanics are shown as ignorent dumb immagrents not slaves to the coorpartions and goverment that destoryed there homelands coca cola mudered union oragainzers the banna massacre exon moblie el savador etc american goverment is evil american people are asleep sorry about the spelling im in a hurry also cuba was aided in the spish american war just so ameica could still it and puerto rico