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How do I get paid with google adwords? How does that system work? - Printable Version

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How do I get paid with google adwords? How does that system work? - MDF - 02-26-2013 09:22 AM

I've gotten no information regarding end-user benefits as far as generating revenue from adwords is concerned. It seems like, only Google is profiting. I'd like to know, How ''I'' end up making the money using Adwords. A succinct answer is preferable. Thank You

- Webman - 02-26-2013 09:29 AM

Actually it's Google Adsense, in which you display ads by Google on your Website. How it works is, you place the ads on your Website, then, if someone clicks an ad, you get paid for it.

- Lian Vaiphei - 02-26-2013 09:37 AM

Do you mean with Google Adsense?
With Google Adwords you actually pay for advertising on people's websites but with Google Adsense you are being paid for advertising people's ads on your website.

To get paid with Google Adsense:
1. Create a site or blog with less competitive keywords ( I can help you)
2. Fill your site/blog with UNIQUE content - Search engines loves unique content
3. This will allow you to be quickly indexed in search engines
4. When people search for a phase related to your keywords they will be directed to your site.
5. Apply for google adsense
6. When approved, display adsense ads prominently but do not over do.
7. Write articles and submit to directories (this is long term but most effective)
8. Comment on blogs related to your theme. Post constructive answers on forums - again related to your theme
9. Join social networking sites with a link pointing back to your site
10. Keep updating your site with unique content

I purchased a report on success with adsense. This report cost me $37 but i can give it to you for $17. With this report you can create a business empire like other people

If this answer is not what you are looking for - Please ignore

Lian Home business income opportunity

- HappyObserver526 - 02-26-2013 09:40 AM

How do you make money with Google Adwords?.. I'll answer that for you..

1. You become an affiliate of a product (digital eBook or physical item) by signing up with the respective merchant.

2. You obtain your affiliate link and deduce how much you make through a referred sale.

3. You set up an AdWords campaign promoting your affiliate link. For example, if you were selling home gym equipment you would enter this as a keyword or phrase that you want your Google AdWords Ad to show up for.

You'd also use variations of this such as 'home gym', 'dumbells', 'weights', 'workout bench' etc..

4. Your AdWords Ad will display in the top right of the Google search page when someone types in one of the keywords or keyphrases you chose.

5. They click on your ad, and are redirected to the merchants site through your affiliate link.

6. If they decide to buy, you make commission. This varies from 5% to 75% and sometimes more depending on the product you're selling.

Note that your expenditure is on the click cost on your ad and your return is on your commission.

Also note that not everyone will buy even after clicking your ad so it comes down to using your judgement and measuring your return on investment.

A tool that tells you what people are actually promoting through AdWords and how they're doing it is Affiliate Elite which you can see here;

Hope that has cleared things up for you on AdWords!

- R. J. - 02-26-2013 09:46 AM

Well with adwords what you are probably referring to all of the clickbank products that you see all over the place saying that you can make money filling out forms. You can. Those forms are adwords advertisments(when you search google the ads that appear on the right). The problem is that you pay for those ads. If you don't know what your doing you will lose money.

Now adsense is intergrated with adwords and it's content network and are the ads that show up on other peoples sites. If you sign up with an adsense account you can place adsense on your blog or website and get paid a percentage of what the advertiser is paying adwords to advertise on your site. Hope that makes sense.

The short answer is find affiliate programs like clickbank and promote the products through adwords. Get paid a percentage of the sale. Wasn't sure about the question becuase most people end up losing money first starting with adwords...