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I feel lonely, what do i do? - ...yo - 02-26-2013 09:39 AM

Im a guy, 15 years old, and i feel really crappy. I'm sitting here, watching the Super Bowl alone. I'm just texting one girl and a guy i know.
Let me go back a little. When i was younger, like between 5 and 10 years old, i had skin problems (eczema). It hurt me emotionally. People would always ask why my hand looks weird and why i have cuts on my face. I was really shy and insecure about myself when i was young, but i was still an optimistic child, hoping i'd get better one day. My life, personally and socially (at school) was rough and painful to remember. I grew up really bad an gave up on my faith in religion and stuff when i was 11 years old. In 5th grade, i made a lot of friends. When i graduated i was hoping to move onto the middle school nearby with my friends but my parents transferred me to another area of my state. My life sort of reset and i knew nobody at all at my middle school. I was shy for the first 4 months of school. I made friends with these 3 guys, and met their friends and met some girls too. I was in love with this one girl but she didn't want a relationship so i just kept flirting with her (my eczema got way better after 5th grade). In 7th grade i knew many people, and in 8th i basically knew the whole school. I graduated, and am now in a high school that's pretty good, but not many kids from either my elementary and middle school go to. I feel alone here. I only know like 50 people and most of them are guys. The girl i loved goes to another school and i still have feelings for her but don't have her number. I feel like i've lost all confidence in myself, i feel a little but not a lot insecure. I'm also shy again.
Due to how i grew up, i don't use any social networking sites. I feel like i ruined my life by not using it in the 7th grade when my life turned around for the better. I made a facebook, but was too shy to put up a profile picture of me so i never added people on it. I still have nobody or anything on my facebook. I'm worried that i'll only have like 100-200 friends on facebook while all of my friends (who are outgoing people) have 700 to 2,000 friends and that they'll think i'm a loser.
The people i'm texting are talking about people going crazy on facebook and instagram and i feel depressed when i hear stuff like that because i don't use either and i feel bad...
I barely talk to my old friends. Recently every weekend i've been playing a video game called call of duty, on playstation 3, and my best friends from middle school go on too and i've sort of reconnected with them. It's the only time i felt happy in 2 years. They missed me too.

I wish i could just feel confident to add people, even friends who i didn't know well, on facebook. Then make a twitter and follow celebrities and stuff like that. And instagram to see cool pictures. But i'm so shy and worried to do it. I don't want to end up with a little amount of friends and then feel embarrassed. I don't even make a big deal of my birthday because nobody knows what it is cause i don't use any social things for them to know. I really hate my life, help me? What do i do? I dress well and everything and i'm not insecure about my skin cause it's normal now but i just can't get myself to make a facebook and instagram and anything to just have my life back. I miss being happy. My brother tells me im a loser cause all i do is play video games and that i have no friends but i do..

- Rodney Baxter - 02-26-2013 09:48 AM

play a video game or ply outside

- sarahy c - 02-26-2013 09:53 AM

Just be yourself Smile

- ashley - 02-26-2013 09:54 AM

lol, wow, stop carin so much about wat others say about u. Seriously, stop trying to be so... idk, not u. I know tht we all try to be someone were not just to please others, or feel accepted. But really, who cares if u only have 100 friends on fb? Seriously, dont u think its much cooler, lets say, to have three or four really close friends in real life, than to have 1000 friends on fb tht u barely tlk to? Gosh, ppl r soo insecure... Anyways, if u really want to add all those ppl, and follow ppl on twitter, its sooo easy!!!!!!!!!!! Just add them, if they dont accept, watever, add others, and for twitter, R U SERIOUS?? Everyone follows celebs, just follow them, watever, and if someone ever questions y, just tell them u felt like it, and tht u did it for fun. Anyways, ur complains about ur life is ridiculous, seriously?? SIgh, stop worryin over fb, and twitter, make friends in real life, and then add them.

- Claire Voyant - 02-26-2013 09:56 AM

I know exactly what you're going through, you are not alone.

I was bullied quite badly in 5th and the beginning of 6th grade for dumb reasons- because I was smaller and skinnier than everyone. It was physical and verbal abuse; the bullies constantly physically hurt be because they were stronger than me and due to my small stature they also made fun of me. I also grew up with abusive parents, they would verbally abuse me since I was about 5 and would never let me be myself around them. As a result, I never really had any parental figures to look up to. (Yes, my parents took care of me, but they never provided the emotional support that I needed.) I've always been very shy since I was a young child- I don't know if it's due to the emotional neglect from my parents, or if it's just my nature. So I've never had many friends at school, and was often excluded from the friend groups that I did have. Since 7th grade I've dealt with cystic acne, and to this day I have people asking me what's wrong with my face. I can't help but feel self conscious when people speak to my face because I think they're judging me.

Like you, I used to stress a lot about who accepted my friend requests on Facebook, who liked my pictures, etc. But then I realized how pointless it is. Why do people pretend Facebook is just as important as reality? Look at the people who are socially prominent on social networking sites, and ask yourself, do you REALLY want to spend so much time building up an online profile, and forget about building your character in real life? Moreover, Facebook's just a fad, in a couple of years it'll die out and decades down the road you'll be glad you never really got into it.

But, what I really want to tell you is to NEVER LOSE HOPE. This is something I've found out recently. By recently, I mean last week. This year things have been horrible for me, my grades have been low, my parents were talking about getting a divorce, I realized that all of my friends were horrible people and began to question if I really had any friends, and a result my depression got much worse. But, all of these things happening in my life miraculously played out for the better. A guy who I didn't really talk to (didn't really like him, either) noticed me crying one day in school, and asked me what was wrong later. I vented to him about everything, and we ended up having a nice conversation, discovering that we're more alike than either of us had expected. I don't think I've ever met anyone who understood me more than he did, and I honestly believe he may have saved my life (I was contemplating suicide). And I discovered that just talking to someone who understands you makes you feel 200% better, maybe it's because I just needed to vent, or because I felt lonely. Whenever I'm around him or even talking to him online, I don't feel depressed.
Who do I thank for this miracle? God. When my parents were discussing divorce and all that stuff was happening, even though I was tempted to, I didn't lose my faith in God. I still prayed every night with the hope that things would get better. I don't know if you're religious, but you mentioned losing faith in God at one point. If you don't believe in God then you can just ignore this part because I'm not forcing you to believe anything.

So my advice for you?
1. Stop taking social networking so seriously.
2. Make friends with someone who understands you. (It may just be someone who you dislike and never talk to, it happened to me.)
3. Don't lose hope.