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how to get free amazon gift codes? - Printable Version

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how to get free amazon gift codes? - Rico - 02-26-2013 09:58 AM

ok so i im a kid under 13 u can say and i want the new ipod touch the 5th gen please dont think im being spoiled i just really want it right now im stuck with the 4th gen ipod touch and like the battery dies really fast on it i need amazon codes asap or a way asap so i can buy me a new ipod touch5g from amazon ive tryed prize rebel and superpoints and pointz2shop those are surveys that i cant do and ive tryed ipod touch apps like junowallet app trailers and app nana and other apps inpossible for me guyz please i even try the amazon code generator but it wont let me please give me like a place to get them totally free or just like a giveaway where i can get the code instantly please guys please please please i really need this 5th gen ipod touch thank you guyz!!!!!