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How to Make my own blog and earn money from it ? - Printable Version

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How to Make my own blog and earn money from it ? - hafrus - 02-26-2013 09:58 AM

- Michelle H - 02-26-2013 10:07 AM


Wow... that other guy gave a pretty good answer, huh?

Basically, go to and start a blog.

After you do that, sign up with Google's AdSense.

Then, you just post your AdSense code into your blog, and BAM!

You're making money!

Hope this helps!


- JJ - 02-26-2013 10:14 AM

1) Find a topic you are comfortable blogging about. We are all experts at something even the how not tos.

2) Ensure the blog is specific but not too specific as you want to be able to incorperate a number of things.
More pages = More traffic = More money

3) Sign up for a blog account. Wordpress is good.

4) Once you have a sufficient amount of pages, submit to social networks (delicious, propeller, furl, stumbleupon, digg...), blogs (blogcarnival, weblog ...), rss feeds and article directories.

5) There are a number of ways you can make money
- google adsense
- affiliate programs like amazon and linkshare
-selling ads

The thing that should come first though is being able to write content that are useful to people. If you do, you get more traffic = more money.

Happy blogging

- chriswhiteley - 02-26-2013 10:20 AM

Here is a link to a free eBook that you can download that will teach you how to create and start making money from a blog:
