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Samsung Galaxy SIII vs Samsung Galaxy Note II? - Printable Version

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Samsung Galaxy SIII vs Samsung Galaxy Note II? - Amy - 02-26-2013 10:12 AM

I am looking for a new phone and contract as well as a device for my job - I am an inventory clerk so need osmething I can record a report on but esy enough to walk round with in hand for at least two hours.

I have two options

1) To get a Galaxy S3 on contract as a phone and for personal use, then get a Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 for business use. This is the most expensive option and although the Tab is bigger and will need to be carried around work, it doesn't have to carried around on social occasions or holidays.

The two things I am worried about with getting the note is 1) is it too big to carry around as a normal phone regularly in a handbag - socially and for business and 2) is the screen big enough to be able to carry out reports (it is on a web based program)

Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated
Sorry I lefat out my second option by accident!

To Just get a Note II for business and social use rather than 2 separate devices

- Deven - 02-26-2013 10:16 AM

In my personal opinion I would go for the Samsung Galaxy SIII the Note is so big... but that is my opinion, but make sure when you make your choice you won't regret it later Smile

- Nick - 02-26-2013 10:19 AM

The Note 2 is WAY too big. But, if that's what you want go for it. It has the latest version of Android, which is Jellybean 4.1.2. Now if you get a GS3, then you can get Android 4.1.2 Jellybean but it may not be out for your carrier YET. They are both equal phones. I have a Galaxy S3 myself and LOVE it. However, if you want a big phone in which you can write tons of hand written notes and stuff go for the note 2. But I must warn you, the Note 2 can not be used as a one handed device. So if your a person who always has your hands full the note is not for you.

- Liam - 02-26-2013 10:29 AM

Personally I would go for the Note 2
I have the Note 2 and love it. I used to use a phone and tablet to do my stuff but now its really all about the Note 2. Its perfect for me as it replaced my tablets media function, that is watching films etc but also part of my work as with the big screen I can type documents using an external usb keyboard and bluetooth mouse, however not everyone might find this comfortable as some people find that the screen isn't big enough however a seven inch probably wouldn't make much of a difference to these people, all I can say is that it suits me fine. Also I can do one handed operations with the phone- read news, search the web and if you really want to send a message however this will take a while if you are texting with one hand. To give you an example of how the Note 2 works well on desktop webpages o will say that I am writing this answer on the desktop version of yahoo answers. This might help you understand how the Note 2 can be used on the web using desktop versions of web pages. I carry the Note 2 in my trouser pockets without problems and haven't had a problem in fitting in any of my trousers, however I do not wear jeans/tight jeans so I cannot say that it will fit in there. On a handbag there should be no problem as if it fits in my pockets without a problem why would it not fit in a handbag. Socially I find that people actually find the Note 2 interesting and perfectly acceptable even though it's big, it will also make people curious. So socially the Note 2 is fine.

In conclusion I would say if you are worried about the size of the Note 2 for work see of you can get a go at it in a shop or from somebody you know so you can see if it suits you.
Remember this is just my opinion

Hope this helped