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Can I prevent my friend from seeing future updates on my Facebook Timeline? - Printable Version

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Can I prevent my friend from seeing future updates on my Facebook Timeline? - Mich - 02-26-2013 10:21 AM

We have been acquaintances for years but lately, she has been snooping around. She has been able to see whatever I have posted on my timeline and photos that I have been tagged in by myself or by my friends.Due to the fact that we have mutual friends, I cannot delete her nor block her completely from my past updates but can I block her from future updates? Will she know? Or will it appear to her that my timeline has been inactive, as if I haven't updated / logged in to Facebook for a long time? Thanks for answering! Smile

- Joshua Smith - 02-26-2013 10:27 AM

Block her. Lock your page or just delete your profile.

- samy - 02-26-2013 10:33 AM

if she is off ur friends list you can change your settings to friends only, also you should be able to customize certain posts on who can view them... I wouldn't see why you couldn't block her from the page completely

- Lenny - 02-26-2013 10:37 AM

You can add this user to your restricted list if you are friends with the person

What happens when I add someone to the Restricted list?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, they'll only be able to see your Public content or posts that you tag them in. So if you put your boss on your Restricted list, post a photo and choose Friends as the audience, your boss (and anyone else on Restricted) won’t see that photo. However, if you add a tag of your boss to the photo, we’ll let them know they’re in it and they’ll be able to see the photo. If someone else tries to tag your boss in one of your photos, you’ll get to approve this tag from your pending posts.

If you are not friends with this person, then you can tweak your privacy settings to friends only