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What is the best way to get backlink but not look spam ? - Printable Version

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What is the best way to get backlink but not look spam ? - Michael - 02-26-2013 05:03 PM

best way to get backlinks and how we can get maximum benefits of backlinks from other sites, plz tell me what should be seo off page strategies after google penguin update.

- Steve - 02-26-2013 05:11 PM

To get back link according to Google penguin update is really should be relevence and not much used keyword of your site. As per seo off page try for forum , blog mostly to get good back link.

- Trytestbuy - 02-26-2013 05:11 PM

Inspite of regular google updates, backlinks will be the backbone of google ranking (or any other search engine).

The Best way is to get really natural/organic backlinks. But it takes time to build them. Alternatively one can follow a system which will build backlinks that will LOOK LIKE a natural backlinking by google.

You can develop your own system or you can pay someone to use their's

- Neha - 02-26-2013 05:11 PM

Writing and submitting articles to the article directories is a great way to generate back links to your website. I use an article submission service for this purpose because they submit to hundreds of directories on my behalf. It's a real time saver.

I also use submission services for the directories and social media where again you are gaining steady back links for minimal work and costs.

1.Build a Site for People. Look for what people want to follow online . When people talk about you online, links follow.
2. Use Guest posting.: Guest Posting
Not only does guest posting get you traffic from relevant websites, it’s also a great way to get links with custom anchor text around the keyphrases you want to rank for.
3. Check Competetors backlinks:
When I talk about competitors, I simply mean people trying to rank for the same keywords / phrases as you in Google.
4. Leave blog Comments
5. Check Flippa Auctions:
Flippa is a place for people to buy and sell websites and has a very interactive community. Even if you’re not looking to buy or sell sites though, it can be a great way to find links.
6. Write good content so that readers will follow.
7. Do social bookmarking
8. Add Links to Your Forum Signatures
Unlike blogs where you get nofollow links for contributing to the discussion, most forums allow you to have a (followed) link in your signature, every time you make a post. If you’re already active on some communities online, see if you can put a link in your signature.
9.Utilize Free Content Sites
Another link source that I don’t really love but I see doing well for a lot of sites is utilising free content sites like Squidoo, Gather and Hubpages.
10.Use article directories to submit articles
11.Design a beautiful site
12. Create a Great Resource
There are a number of personal development bloggers giving sitewide (links from every page) links to PluginID because I created an amazing resource. That resource was a list of top blogs in my industry, but yours doesn’t have to be the same.

- Gee - 02-26-2013 05:11 PM

Creating backlinks is a bit hard if you don't have enough knowledge on how it truly works and the factors that must be taken into consideration so you'll successfully generate good backlinks towards your site. If you know how to use hypertext links or the "<a href="links">keyword</a>. These are a few which you can use to generate the backlinks, but it all comes with the numbers. Though the numbers of backlinks can cause certain errors and being tagged as a spam. For you not to be tagged as a spam link, you must be able to randomize your keywords, or be careful with your link submission. You can also try working with link wheel. That is linking one link into another site and thus linking it into another site, making a circle of links.

If you want to learn more on how to work and generate good links, visit site:

- Sultana - 02-26-2013 05:11 PM

If you follow white hat SEO technique you will get maximum benefits.You should focus on forum posting with your related sites, blog commenting off page optimization.